Chapter 46- I Have to Get Back

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I was waiting for them in that small cabin in the woods as requested by AgustD. He told me to wait patiently in the house no matter how late they were. I was determined to get Suga back to my world so that he would not sacrifice his life for me like in his previous life. I was glad that Suga didn't remember his past, not that I didn't want him but I was selfish. I just wanted him to live his life for a very long time in my world with or without me. 

Little did I know that when AgustD went back to the castle to bring Suga, Suga lied about not remembering his past before and wanted to come clean with me that night. I ruined the moment for him and I knew I had to pay for my actions. It has been three days ever since AgustD disappeared from the woods back to the castle to bring Suga. There were no signs of them in the woods, so, I decided to get back to the castle myself. 

As I was walking towards the exits from the forest towards the castle, something pulled me hard and I almost fell to the ground backwards. I clutched whatever I could grab onto to avoid hitting the ground. That is when I saw his intensely icy black eyes and his regal face. He clutched onto my waist strongly as he stared into my soul.

"Where are you going, my love? I told you wait for me," AgustD asked me.

"It has been three days, AgustD. You never showed up with Suga, so, I wanted to see him myself," I sighed hard as I straightened my back. 

"He remembered his past, so," he said, "Where is he? Did he come with you?" I interrupted.

"No, my love. He needs to fight this battle with me or not he dies," AgustD continued.

"Are you threatening me? He dies because of me not because of a stupid battle!" I was agitated with AgustD.

He looked at me with his death stare and clenched his teeth hard, "One more time you dare to say that this battle is stupid, I will chop your head off!" AgustD was livid.

I broke into a sweat. My heart pounded, and my hand began to feel clammy against my bouncing knee. The very act of watching was hurting my eyes, and my heart was still threatening to burst forth from my ribcage. A great tremor overtook me. Tears raced down my cheeks. A tightening of my throat and a short intake of breath. A great sob escaped me, and I covered my face with shaking hands.

He saw me crying in front of him and his heart sank a little. He knew he shouldn't have said anything to hurt me but anger took over him hearing my words piercing through his heart. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly, stroking my hair gently. 

"I am sorry. I am really sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and you know that, right?" he convinced me as he hugged me.

"I just want to get back home with Suga. I don't want him to die because of me or anything. I won't be able to take it," I sobbed my words to him.

"This battle is important to me. I need to get back what I was promised and if I don't..."AgustD paused his words. 

"And if you don't? What is it?" I looked up at him curiously.

"Nothing, my love. I came by to tell you that Suga wants to fight this battle with me. He told you wait for him here," AgustD continued.

"Suga agreed to fight with you? How come I didn't know that he knew his past? When did this happen?" I was shocked.

"He wanted to come clean with you that night you took off from the castle," AgustD explained.

"I have a theory and I don't know if any one of you would agree to this but I am willing to take the shot here," I wiped my tears and looked at his handsome face.

"What is it, my love?" he asked me curiously. 

"Since he remembers his past and wants to fight this battle with you. What if he stays in this world and I go back to my world without him? At least he would be alive, right?" I sighed hard.

"He will be alive even if he survive this battle here," AgustD replied.

"What? How? Not with me around him. He would sacrifice his life for me-," AgustD stops me and stammers out, "Bring him back with you to your world."

"That is what you have been saying but I trust you anymore," I snarled at him.

"Wait, my love!" he was surprised, "but why?"

"How sure you are not using Suga or me to win this battle?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sweetheart, do you really think I would use any one of you for my personal agenda? I can fight this war myself but Suga needs to clear his sins from his pervious life," AgustD chuckled a little.

"Sins? It must a grave one since he has to fight a battle with you, I guess?" I mocked him.

AgustD smiled and followed me from the back. He knew I was mocking him but he decided to stay low with explanations with me to avoid any further confusions. 

"If you want to know what were your sins in your two previous life, I can show you?" he smirked at me purposely.

I turned around and smirked at him. I knew he was pulling my legs to lighten the situation but I wasn't in the mood to entertain his flirtatious way.

"That one kiss cost me three days in the woods and do you think I would risk another kiss with you? Suga was so pissed when he knew we kissed," I explained. 

"I know but-," AgustD halted and signaled me to stay low and silent, "Can you hear that? That is the royal horses from the castle." 

"What do they want now?" I looked up at the forest pathway above me. 

"Someone in the castle knew about the portal and the queen want her dead," he continued.

"Dead? Why dead?" I was curious and shocked.

"That portal is a bad luck for everyone here and that is why the queen wants it closed down during the full moon this month," AgustD explained as he kept looking for the royal horses.

"Bad luck or the queen has something that she cannot have hidden in my world?" I doubted the queen.

"Coming to think of it, I heard that someone told the queen about the portal and it's bad luck for all of us here. I am starting to think that it is not the queen but that someone," he looked at me with his squinted eyes.

"Rachel. She must have spill the beans about the portal," I mumbled under my breath but AgustD heard me clearly.

"Rachel? The queen that is suppose to marry me?" AgustD was confused.

"Rachel is suppose to marry you?!" I was shocked.

"Shhh!" he closed my mouth, "Yes, Rachel's name is Ryu Mi Soo, the queen from the bordering nation."

So, she isn't from my world?" I asked him curiously.

"I guess not and now that you have mentioned Rachel's name, I think she was protecting something of the queen's  in your world," he explained.

"I know what she was protecting and I need that to solve my own personal mystery back in my world," I realized that everything was starting to make sense. 

"You cannot go back to the castle now. It is too dangerous. I am not letting you," he held my hands tightly.

"It is always dangerous and I don't think there would be a right time. I need to get back to the castle and I am not asking your permission," I snarled at him.

"Why do I find you attractive when you snarl at me like that?" he grumbled his way back to the house in the woods with me.

I have to get that red diamond from Rachel before the situation gets worst. I was gutted and feeling a little lost but I was determined to get through it. 

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