Chapter 40- Escaping the Gallows

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The basement cell was barely six feet by four and a hollow cube of concrete. The walls were the same thick grey stone as the dwellings of the region, but instead of a wide window with a flower box, there was a mean barred opening with thick wooden bars and no glass. It was no brighter inside than the gathering gloom of dusk, even at midday. The bed was a plank of wood on legs, there was no mattress, no cushioning, and only one thin blanket. It was either suffocatingly quiet or pierced with the screams of tortured prisoners. 

The basement cell was one way in, with no windows. In there one could have no idea how much time had passed or even if it was night or day. It was disorientating by design. Given enough time a person could forget their name in there. The isolation was total and the stimulation was zero. No sound, no light, no furniture or cloth of any kind. It was all an inmate could do to feel the cool walls, but even they were smooth.

"A prisoner can be formed in many ways, for me, it was the destruction of my credibility so that no one would believe a word I said. Thus, my prison was formed from his lies, lies that could make a real brick and mortar prison around me with locked doors and barred windows. That is what psychopaths do. They make you appear insane so that when they lie to you when you ask for protection, you get locked up and they make you look like a fool," Ava raised my voice in the locked-up cell hoping the prince could hear her from the next cell. 

"If I ever cross my heart, if I ever betray my heart and anger it then I hope to die. Some call it bewitched but I call it love," the prince from the next-door cell replied to me calmly. 

"It is tough to watch the one you love being out-foxed by a deceiver, to be honest!" she raised her voice again.

"Wait, what didst thou say? To watch the one, thou love?" the prince asked her in confusion.

"Seriously, you could only catch that from what I have been yelling at you?" Ava asked in disbelief.

"My life revolves around thou, my love, and I shall doth aught for thou. Wherein it comes to life challenges, I shall ne'r let thou down, I shall aye be there for thou. Though life hath its ups and downs, for thy love I shall doth aught, I shall ne'r let thou brow the challenges alone. I wot thou feel the like because my love for thou are pure and true. I doth aught for thou," the prince from the next cell replied as he leaned against the cold cell walls and looked at the flower box. 

"Seriously, you and your royal language are killing me now. I can't be doing this now. I will be dead tomorrow and my blood is on your hands, Prince AgusD!" Ava held her head and squatted on the ground. 

"I would doth the worst for thou, my love. Hast some trust 'in me, shall thou?" 

"Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake. Just remember that" Ava reminded him as she lay on the hard cold floor.

 As Ava was lying on the cold hard ground, she remembered what her adopted parents told her before they left her and never returned. 

"You will end up disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you."

It's amazing how quickly Ava's mood can change, how deep her heart can sink, and how much one person can affect her. Things are as they are, she suffers because she imagined differently about Prince AgusD or Suga if that was his real name too. 

After some time in the cell, Ava got up and sat as she looked around. The cell was empty and cold. She wondered if the prince was awake in his cell because she wanted to provoke him. She wasn't ready to let him go after what he did to her. Ava thought a hypocrite despises those whom he deceives but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too if he could.

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