Chapter 53: The Boots

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As I traveled in Rachel's car to the island, I recollected what happened after visiting that Canterney Island. I wanted to check out my house basement, so, without telling mom anything, I headed to the cellar quietly. I started to dig through some old boxes and found mom's Canterney Island photos. I was excited to check out the photos and how they turned out but one photo caught my eye.

Mom was sitting on her couch in her hotel room in that photo smiling in huge but something was looking through the front window from the balcony at her. Then, I looked through some other photos and realized that the same thing was watching her but the only thing was it was much closer to her.

So, I took those photos with me and headed back to the living room where her mom was and I  slowly asked my mom about the photos and the figure standing behind her in each photo that dad took in Canterney Island. Mom hesitated to tell me the truth but I convinced her. I wanted to know what it was and why it was following her. 

Mom discovered a journal washed up on the beach sand and she took it back to their hotel. She believed she had unleashed something ever since she read that journal in that hotel. She regretted reading that journal and intended to place it back where she found it but a fire broke out at the hotel suddenly that night. So, everyone forget about the journal and mom came back with the journal instead. 

I asked my mom about the journal again and maybe if they get the journal back to that island, their paranormal problems would be solved. Thankfully, mom agreed and wanted to return that journal to that island. Hence, mom told dad about the journal, and the photos and wanted to pay a visit to that island.

As promised, dad brought mom to that island and she managed to return the journal to the beach where his mom found it earlier. Not much of a paranormal experience that I was in at that time but I always saw a lady in white at the end of the staircase every time I wanted to drink water from the kitchen. I thought she was just my imagination because of my grogginess. Each time I woke up for water, I would see her coming closer to me, and lastly, I saw her at the end of my bed. 

Rachel woke me up suddenly stretching her arm out to me so that I don't fall forward even with my seatbelt on me. She looked out of the car window and slowed down her car to see a massive accident by the roadside. I had no idea how people felt when a car accident occurred, but I prayed I wouldn't be in one. We noticed a crowd gathered in the center of the road. We weren't sure what was going on because our first reaction was that there was probably a fight between two men. However, when we arrived at the location, we discovered that an accident had occurred. 

We then learned the entire story. A truck hit a man who was crossing the street, seriously injuring him. People were asking for an ambulance because the man was bleeding heavily on the ground. As a result, a taxi driver rushed the man to the hospital. The police were called after the people had apprehended the driver and were beating him up. When the police arrived, they detained the driver and questioned him about the incident. We later discovered that the driver had been drinking. The cops seized him and took him to the hospital for questioning. Fortunately, the driver was declared safe. His wounds were bandaged, and he was still in shock, according to the physicians.

That incident taught me the value of our life. Furthermore, how we take it for granted. Rachel and I got back into the car and started back out journey to the airport. Rachel asked me if I was okay and I nodded in silence. Although my heart was beating fast seeing the amount of blood on the road, I told myself that I cannot postpone my destination to that island as Suga's life would be in danger if I delay my trip. 

"Do you need to stop at the gas station for anything?" I asked Rachel as she was driving.

"No, do you need to get anything?" Rachel asked me back curiously.

"I need to use the bathroom," I admitted with a  small smile on my face.

Rachel nodded her head in small and drove to the nearest gas station. She told me that she would be waiting in the car for me while I went to the bathroom. I quickly rushed to the bathroom there and opened the bathroom door slowly. The smell of urine and moss hit my nostrils hard as I opened the door. The bathroom sink and the mirror there were mostly broken but some could still be used. The mirrors have dirt and stains on them while the bathroom floor tiling was also dirty and muddy.

I couldn't be bothered so much about the interior of the bathroom as I entered as I had to release my content badly. So, I quickly opened one of the cubicle doors in the bathroom and entered it. I took some tissue papers from my handbag and placed them on the seat of the toilet before sitting down. As I was releasing my content peacefully, I heard someone walking into the bathroom. I heard it well because that person was wearing boots as that person walked in. 

To my surprise, that person stood in front of my cubicle and froze. That person did not move or knock on the door while standing still in front of my cubicle. My heart was beating fast but I tried to be calm.

"I am in here. You can use the other cubicle!" I yelled at that person loudly. 

Still no answer. I could see that person standing in front of my cubicle without any movement so I decided I wanted to check who is this person. I got up, washed, and zipped up my pants. I turned around to flush and the moment I turned back to open the cubicle door, the person in boots who was standing in front of my cubicle was gone. He vanished just like that without any sound. I would have known if that person walked out of the bathroom as the boots worn made a loud noise as they walked. 

I panicked and started to rush back to the car where Rachel was waiting for me. I simultaneously turned around to the back to see if anyone was following me from the back. I saw no one. I sighed in relief and got into the car quickly as I locked it immediately. Rachel saw my panicked reaction and wondered what was going on. 

"Everything is alright with you?" Rachel asked me in concern. 

"Yeah, sure, sure. Can we leave this place now?" I asked Rachel still shivering in fear.

Rachel shrugged her thoughts and quickly took drove out of the gas station. She knew that I was concerned about something but she wanted me to calm myself before asking me what happen in the bathroom. As she knew, no one entered the bathroom when I was in there.        

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