Chapter 24-The Dream

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I drove to the destination that she wanted me to drive her to, and we reached the place. The old ruins were so strong in the foundation, that they lasted more generations than seventy times seven. Moss rises from the wall as bread bun dough, so perfectly proven and so gaily green. The smell of that old building was old and dusty as I climbed up the stairs of that old rotten building. The girlfriend took me upstairs with a gun pointed at the back of so even if I was trying to escape, I would be dead by now. I kept myself calm and relaxed as I walked up the stairs till I reached the top floor. I couldn't believe seeing my old classmate from high school that we met before coming here with Yoongi.

"Jason? What-What are you doing here?" I asked him in surprise.

"I see that you know each other already. So, it is going to be easy now. Get down on your knees and hands at the back!" the girlfriend threatened me.

I quietly placed my hands at the back of my head and kneeled down on the hard ground. The girlfriend signaled Jason to tie my hands up behind me and gag my mouth with a cloth. Then I saw both of them kissing in front of me. I almost choked in shock to see them kissing as I thought she was Yoongi's brother's girlfriend. So, she is cheating on his brother with Jason and they both were in this together.

"It is sad that Yoongi's brother has to be hurt for this plan. He got us a brilliant plan, but I was afraid that he would be giving in to his younger brother," the girlfriend said casually to Jason.

"We cut him out, and we take over the plan now? Shall we? Where is his younger brother now?" Jason asked the girlfriend.

"The guest house of course. I shot him on his arm because he shot me first," she opened up her shirt to show her wounded arm.

"I am going to kill him for doing this to you. I will not spare him or her. I will end this now," Jason got riled up when he saw the shot.

"Hold your horses there, baby. We still need Yoongi's signature in this form, and we kill him, his brother, and her," she said as she smirked at me.

I saw her taking her gun and placing it at the back of her back pocket. Jason looked over to his bag and reached for it.

"Do we need this?" he asked her as he showed a grenade to her.

"Take it, just in case. We will never know because Yoongi is a mafia leader, and he might have a plan by now," she said as she looked at him.

I struggled hard in a panic looking at the grenades that he took and shoved into his backpack, but my voice was muffled with the gagged cloth in my mouth.

"I will tie her up on the chair. Take the bag and head to the car now. We will end things immediately," Jason said as he tied me to the chair.

I struggled as he tied my hands and legs to the chair. I knew I had to get to Yoongi, but I just did not know how to do that. As soon as they left me alone in that old building, my phone rang, and I thought it was a miracle that happened to me that day. I threw myself with the chair sideways and landed hard on my side hoping not to break any rib cage. I struggled hard to get to the square metal pole and pushed my phone in my pocket upwards. It worked! The phone came out from the pocket after a few tries and I clicked the answered button with my nose which miraculously worked too.

"Rachel! Rach! Can you hear me?!" I tried to get Rachel's attention on the phone.

"Yeah! Yeah! What is going on? Why do you panic? Is everything alright there?" she asked me curiously.

"Rach, listen to me carefully. Yoongi is in trouble. I want you to go to my room and in my drawer beside the bed, there would be an address book. Search for "The Mean Mafia" in the book and call his office. Tell his men to come right away to Daegu. They will know the place. Immediately, Rachel! Please?", I begged her.

"Okay, I am in your room now and yeah, I found the book. I will call you back after calling them, okay? Just hang in there for me!" Rachel said as she quickly hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. All I could imagine was Yoongi being shot by that woman in the basement. I struggled again to free myself from the ropes, but I accidentally hit the table, and it collapsed right on me. I felt my head was heavy, my eyes were blurry, and I couldn't see what was in front of me. I thought I saw a figure in a red dress coming forth towards me and reaching out for me. I did not know what happened next as I fainted right after seeing the woman in the red dress reaching out for me.

When I woke up, I could smell sanitizers and medicine all around me. I looked around, and I realized that I was in the hospital. No one was there with me at that time and the floors were covered with thick fog. Immediately I knew I was dreaming and this wasn't real because the floors were fully covered in thick white fog and the hospital seemed empty and quiet. I knew I had to get out of my dream and get to Yoongi before anything happens to him in the house. First I took a needle, which I have a fear upon hugely, and pricked my thumb deeply so that with that pain I could get up from the dream, but it was in vain.

"It is nice to meet you in person even though it is a dream," a warm said to me from the back.

I turned around, and I saw that same red dress woman standing there smiling hugely at me. I was confused to see her all cleaned up and pretty in that red dress. The last time I saw her was when her face was all bloody and her fingernails were all out. She even had rotten teeth as she grinned at me in the water before getting really pissed at me and pulling me into the waters with her that day.

"Ashley? What do you want? Why are you haunting me always?" I asked her.

"I need some help. I need you to find the evidence file that the first police officer who handled my case had hidden. I will protect your Yoongi in return," she made a deal with me.

I was pretty satisfied with that deal of hers, but I didn't know if I should trust her or not.

"What happens after I find the file? What happens to Yoongi?" I asked her back.

"Only Yoongi could free me from this world. He has to make sure the police re-open my case and investigate," Ashley said to me calmly.

"He can't go to the cops. He is not-," I froze when I felt a tinge of pain on my thumb.

The whole place was blurring out and Ashley almost faded out before I could explain to her that Yoongi can't do what she was asking for.

"You are waking up, honey. Pass this message to Yoongi, and he will know what to do next," Ashley said as she shoved a note in my hands.

Ashley faded away and I was wide awake. I had fainted due to the impact of the table falling on me and had my head was bleeding a little. I felt my head was heavy and dizziness took over me when I tried to get up. Then I saw Ashley with some of Yoongi's men coming towards me to help me up. They untied me and as soon as I got on my feet, I checked my hands for the note, but I did not have it.

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