Chapter 29-Assurance

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I rushed into the hospital entrance as fast as I could to Yoongi's room. I saw some doctors and nurses rushing off as their shift ends and some just walking on fresh to start their night shift. The whole hospital was noisy and patients were seen taking a walk outside and inside the hospital. I couldn't stand the smell of the hospital which was filled with medication and sanitizer smell and that was the exact reason why I don't like the hospitals. As soon as I entered Yoongi's room, I saw him sitting upright on his bed with his phone in his hand.

"Yoongi, you are not allowed to use the phone. Give that to me," I snatched his phone off his hand.

He looked at me and smiled happily for the first time. I was happy to see him happy and excited to see me in the hospital. His gummy smile made me smile even more at him and my heart flutter a little.

"Since when you are the boss of me?" he asked me sarcastically.

"Don't start, Yoongi. How is your head?" I asked him.

"Had been better," he replied to me.

"Where is the file? Is it with you?" I asked him curiously.

"In that drawer. By the way, why did you go back to the penthouse? I thought I told you clearly not to go back in there for any reason, right? What if you got hurt?", Yoongi said as he looked at me.

"Yoongi, one of your guys sacrificed his life for me. You are not worried or upset about that?" I asked him.

"I know what happened there, and I know him. He would give his life to save me or anyone I love. There would be a burial session for him and the rest who died. So don't worry," Yoongi said.

"Wait, did you just say that you love me?" I caught him.

"What? No, I did not", he tried to cover up.

"Yes, you said it. I heard it too well. So, you love me?" I asked him back.

"What? Is my head-injured or your head is injured now? Stop talking nonsense and get me some water," Yoongi said as he pointed at the glass of water on the table.

I sighed and walked over to the table to take the glass of water. I gave it to him and wanted to know who was it at the house tried to kill me and take the necklace.

"The guy who stole the necklace-who was he? He even said you might know him when I asked him who was he," I asked Yoongi curiously.

"My rivalry. We started off together in the mafia world, but I realized he seemed very interested in exporting and importing drugs and selling organs to the black market. So. I departed from him and told him that I would never want to see him again, and I did, I would not spare his life", Yoongi explained casually to me.

What a man! So, I guess there good and bad mafias too then?" I teased Yoongi.

"No, there are bad and very bad mafias," Yoongi corrected me.

"I think you are wrong. I find you good for a mafia leader though," I told Yoongi.

"Even though I have hurt you with my words and not trusted you before?" Yoongi asked me back.

"When you love someone deeply and unconditionally, you would tend to believe that they would eventually come around with you. I believed that you would come around with me soon or later. I could never hate you no matter what, Yoongi," I said as I took the glass off his hand.

Yoongi looked at me a while and held my hand to his chest as he lay down on the bed resting his head on the soft pillows. I helped him adjust his blanket on him and told him to take a rest as I would be right beside him if he needed something.

"I need you and-and-I will protect you with my own life. I will make sure you are safe and happy with me," Yoongi said as he looked at me.

I nodded my head with a small smile on my chubby face and tried to control the tears in my eyes. I did not want to cry in front of him, so I turned my head away and pretended to adjust his blanket one more time. I really wanted to kiss him with this secure feeling, not that he hadn't kissed me before, but I knew that this time could have been different if we went in for the kiss.

Suddenly, one of Yoongi's bodyguards rushed in to the room frantically. He looked really worried and cautious about something. Yoongi signaled him to come in as I stood there wondering what was he going to say this time.

"Sir, we have a problem," the bodyguard looked at me as he said this.

"It is okay. She knows," Yoongi assured him.

"Ryan Mosby showed up in your house and have the necklace. He has escaped again, sir," he told Yoongi.

"No matter what you do, track him down. I want him alive," Yoongi said in his cold voice.

"Yes, sir," he obliged Yoongi's order and left the room.

I looked at Yoongi and came closer to him. I was worried he might hurt his head again with all the thinking and worrying again.

"You do need some rest, Yoongi. Your guys would take care of the situation. Now just sleep, can you?" I stood next to his bed.

"Aren't you worried or scared?" Yoongi asked me suddenly.

"No, I am not. As long as you are here with me, I know I will be safe," I assured him.

"But I am scared. I am worried something might happen to you, or I couldn't save you in time from him," Yoongi looked upset for the first time.

That was the first time he showed his weakness and didn't mind showing me his vulnerability to me. So, I caressed his head softly and made sure he laid down on the bed.

"It is okay to feel unsafe. It is not a big issue to feel like this. We can't control anything that we feel but what I know is we are in this together and would figure this out together," I assured him.

Yoongi was somewhat convinced by my words and closed his eyes slowly. As soon as he dozed off, I sat beside him and I put my head on his hand to rest my eyes too. I hoped we would survive whatever was going on between us so that I could have a chance to be with my Min Yoongi.

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