Chapter 13: Ego vs Love

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So, Yoongi planned all this out earlier, and I had no choice but to follow his way. I snatched the box off her hand and opened it. I was going to call up Yoongi and tell him that whatever outfit was in there did not suit me but when I opened it, I was in love. Nothing heavy or gaudy, the dress was slightly below knee-length, and it has lace upon silk, the dress is cozy to my body, its touch both light and soothing. Just by looking at the dress, I felt feminine and strong, all the best parts of womanhood blossoming into a broad smile. The bracelet was simple woven cloth, yet I loved it more than any gold or silver. The necklace was a simple silver chain with a pendant, one with the Celtic trinity shown by woven swirls. The earrings had a side note saying, "All eyes will be on you, my princess."

"Plus he got your favorite color for the dress, maroon," Rachel said as she looked at the dress.

"I am so going for this event!" I was excited.

That evening, Rachel helped me with my dress. I loved the way there was some extra clothing to that dress to make me more comfortable and not feel I was suffocating in that. The dress fitted me so well because I was not slim nor petite but just fat, so I always hated dresses and skirts because they often make me look bigger. I always had this issue with my body size and weight but that day, when I wore that dress, I felt confident and pretty.

Yoongi arrived at my house and picked me up for his birthday party at his house. I really wanted to see his parents and catch up with them since it has been a long time since we have seen each other. When I arrived at his place, I was shocked to see how huge his house was. I felt like the whole place was a mansion with huge windows and balconies. Its windows were as shy eyes, large to welcome any ray of the sun when it is sunny. The rock walls belonged right where it was as if perchance it had grown up right from that hallowed ground.

"You are kidding me, right?" I looked out from the window as we reached his house.

"Let's go now. We late," Yoongi got down from the car as he helped me out too.

As we got down from the car, I adjusted my dress properly and followed Yoongi behind him. I noticed a lot of people were having fun and drinking as I walked behind him slowly. We entered the hall and I looked around as I was amazed by the huge structure of his house.

"Where are your parents? I want to meet them," I asked Yoongi excitedly.

"They are not here. They are in another place," Yoongi explained as he looked around.

I sighed and looked at Yoongi. He spotted someone from far and grabbed my arms.

"Follow," Yoongi said as he walked.

When he greeted that person, he turned around towards me and introduced me to her.

"This is my to-be wife, Raven," Yoongi smiled at me for the first time.

I have never seen him smile so huge to anyone before and this was the first time the charming smile on his perfect face.

"So, you prefer girls who are on the chubby side, I see," Raven sarcastically commented on my body size.

"Stop it, Raven. Just stop with the body shaming. You knew what is it like to be body-shamed," Yoongi said.

"At least I worked hard to look good to stop the body-shaming," Raven replied with a smirk.

"And did it stop, Raven?" Yoongi asked her back.

Raven gave Yoongi a deadly stare down and then turned to me. She smiled sheepishly and continued to sip her red wine from her glass. I felt ashamed and embarrassed while looking at her and did not blame or get upset when she body-shamed me just a while ago because I felt I could have done something to lose my weight instead of whining about not being attractive.

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