Chapter 34- His Consciousness

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I took in the letter quickly and rushed into the house. I almost slipped over one of my porch steps but managed to stabilize myself quickly. I was nervous and excited at the same time wondering what could be the letter about. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I ran into my room and locked my room door too. I didn't want Rachel to come into my room suddenly in case she woke up hearing the door opening and closing.

I sat on my bed and opened the letter slowly. It was a handwritten letter with just two sentences in it. At the end of the letter, I noticed the initials of the sender and my heart skipped a beat. The initial was "MY" and immediately I thought it could be from Min Yoongi. I read the lines from the letter and got confused.

"Meet me at the Seoul Forest at midnight today. I love you."

I re-read those two lines again and again just to make sure I wasn't dreaming again or hallucinating. I got up and bit my nails in confusion. My adrenaline rush was at its peak at that moment as I thought I wasn't dreaming about Yoongi just a while ago, but it was all real. He came to me when I was in my subconscious sleep and tried to talk to me, but I just didn't want to as I was scared.

I was torn between wanting to meet him at the Seoul Forest or just to wait for him to come back to me. The letter made my thoughts go wild, and I was restless even after I convinced myself that it might be a prank by Yoongi. I thought why would Yoongi just leave me for three days suddenly and come back just to send this weird letter to me? I waited a while till I calmed myself down in the room, but I couldn't stop thinking about the letter and Yoongi. So, I quickly took my jacket from behind my room door and opened my door slowly.

I tip-toed to the main door and opened the door softly trying to avoid any kind of sound to wake Ashley who was sound asleep in her room. I managed to step out of the house quietly and wore my shoes. I flung my sling bag around and adjusted my hair. The wind was blowing in the right direction as I walked towards the main gate in front. My chubby cheeks were slapped by the cold wind that night as I walked fast towards the main road.

I caught a cab at the curb of the road and told the driver to head to the Seoul Forest. It was an hour's drive from my house to the forest. I clutched my bag tightly as I waited for my destination to arrive. I was feeling nervous, and I could hear my own heartbeat thumping in my chest loudly as I saw the "Seoul Forest" signboard outside my window. I got from the cab after paying the driver and took a deep breath before entering the forest.

There were some restriction signs hung against the gates of the forest warning those who trespassed this forest after visiting hours would be fined heavily. As I walked into the forest, I noticed from the rich brown earthen hues of the forest ground to the sweetness of the blue-white sky, the forest is a three-dimensional wonderland for the eyes who are willing to absorb the light. Upon the forest floor so woven with ancient tree roots came a light filtered by the bouquet of foliage above: softened, verdant, and freshly aromatic.

I raised my head, allowing the shadow to dance across my face. The pennyroyal was buzzing with bees. I took a deep breath and kept walking, enjoying the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves. The leaves howled in a symphony as the wind blew through the limbs of the trees. Walking through the woods on a gravel road reveals how complex the interaction of weather and environment can be. Two natural forces that are both in tune and always at odds. The rain was about to fall at any moment, and its distinct odor was filling the air. Clouds with a plush, interweaving front pushed their gray front towards me.

As I walked through that thick and vast forest, I looked for some hints that Yoongi might have left for me. If he really wanted me to come over to this forest by midnight, he would have at least shown me some hints through the woods, but I have been just following my own shadows in the woods. I looked at the time on my watch and looked up in the sky above me. There were no stars or any sign of the moon because it was about to rain.

Then, I heard some rustling noises from behind me and I froze my steps immediately. My heart was thumping hard and loudly as I thought it might be a wild creature that had spotted me. I felt I couldn't move any further than my whole body froze with fear.

"Where the hell are you, Min Yoongi?" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes hoping the creature would pass around me.

Then I heard the rustling noise again and this time it was very close to me. I took all my courage to turn around and look. As soon as I turned around, I felt a hand cover my mouth fully and dragged me into one of the bushes there.

"Shhh! Be quiet or not they would hear you!" the voice warned me as his grip on my mouth was strong.

I struggle a little to get released by that strong hand and I couldn't see his face as he was at the back of me. The most pointless gate in the world was in the center of the green expanse-six feet tall, iron, with curls on its curls and a top. There was no fence on either side, and the blackened catch hung in midair as if resting on some unseen barrier. It had to be a joke, right? Excellent!

As I saw some horsemen coming through a magical gate into the forest, and they were speaking a foreign language. A language that I couldn't understand and doubt that language didn't even exist for mankind to apprehend. I saw them leaving the forest with their horses swiftly, and then I turned around to see whose strong hands were holding me in place silently.

"Yoongi!" I whispered in shock.

"I am not Min Yoongi. I am his consciousness," he said as he got up and brushed off the dirt and leaves off his clothes.

"His consciousness?" I asked him curiously.

"He is stuck in his past life realm, and he needs you to save him," his consciousness uttered.

I looked at him from top to bottom and scanned him properly. His clothes were a weird long robe with multiple layers under them, and he had a sword with him. He had a long blond ponytail that was half tied up leaving the rest of his smooth blonde hair fall gracefully below his shoulders. He looked exactly like a warrior to me as I noticed his eyebrow undercut and a long scar across his eyes vertically down till his cheeks.

"Let's go! I will close anytime now!" he dragged me toward the magical gate which looked like a portal.

I tried to stop him, but he was too strong for me to hold him back. Before I realize what happened next, I was already in the portal. It was truly magical when I saw time stopped at that moment making the raindrops float in the air without dropping to the ground. I almost touched the raindrops with my bare hands when Yoongi's consciousness stopped me.

"Don't touch that," he warned me.

"Why? It is so beautiful," I said as I looked at the floating raindrops.

"These raindrops make the time stop. If you touch any one of them, it would make the gates close forever, and you won't be able to go back to your world again," he explained as he walked with me.

"Who would ever want to leave a place like this?" I asked as I admired the magical moment.

"Those horsemen you saw just a while ago, they are called the "Mythical Horsemen'". They guard this place and if they catch anyone lurking around their territory, they would behead you immediately. No questions asked," he further explains to me.

I stopped and looked at him in shock. I was still rooted to the ground thinking that all of this was not real, and I was still dreaming. This place looked too good to be true!

"This is a pathway to your world?" I asked him.

"Different people experience different pathways while coming through the portal. I wanted you to feel this moment and capture it in your mind," he said as he smiled at me in small.

Even though his smile couldn't be seen much on his handsome warrior face, I caught his smile. His face looks exactly like Min Yoongi's but his eyebrow undercut and that scar across his face told me that he is different from Min Yoongi.

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