(F) Jennither Pendragon

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"Jennither Pendragon is everything Uther Pendragon hated and everything he has killed".


Jennither Pendragon.


Jenny, Jenna, Jen, Little Uther.


Jenny is five years younger than Arthur. So at the start of Merlin she is 16 and at the end she is like 24.



What are they?:





Arthur tried teaching Jenni how to wield a sword but she is still horrible at fighting, she is very talented at using her magic and sewing.


Jenny regularly dresses up as a peasant and wonders Camelot, she doesn't eat at times because she believes that it's unfair for her to eat when some children can't.


Gwaine, as a friend though. Going on trips with Arthur, Morgana, learning more about her magic and Lucy (her maid).


Her father (At times), Morgause, being treated differently because she is a princess and hiding her magic.


She has long bright hair with light blue eyes. Jenny is very pretty and very kind though she is often over spoken, by both her brother and father.

Face claim:

Alexandra Dowling (Yes I know she is the actress for Kara)

Alexandra Dowling (Yes I know she is the actress for Kara)

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Background story:

A couple of months after Uther had the affair with Vivienne resulting with Morgana, Uther married again with Lady Valeria. Her mother shortly passed away after her birth due to an illness and was left with only her father King Uther to raise her. When Jennither found out about her magic she was terrified and confused, her father was the surely have her executed if he ever found out, so she hid her powers.

When Morgana starting showing signs of her magic Jennither showed her that magic isn't bad and taught Morgana some spells.

For the first season Jenny has a crush on Merlin, he does not feel the same way. Later on Merlin and Jennither dislike each other because her destiny is similar to Morgana's.


King Uther (father), Lady Morgana (half-sister), Prince Arthur (half-brother) and Ex-Queen Valeria (Mother).

Unknowingly to her, Lucy, her maid is her cousin.

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