(M) Adam Fisher

235 4 190


"People are like books, boring and easy to read."


Adam Kol Fisher


Seventeen years old


Male with he/they pronouns


Closeted bisexual


Adam can read people, not like magic or anything like that but just something he had to learn to do.


Judging people and trying to guess what they are thinking, Adam tense to keep to himself and hides his emotions.


Reading, keeping to himself, smoking, being an arse, drawing and photography but he doesn't like people knowing the last two.


Adam's mum, forster care, human interactions, people approaching him about his behaviour and snakes.

Face claim:

Cole Sprouse


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He is cold and closed off, the last time he showed his emotions was when he found out his father was dead.

Adam wants to feel something, deep down he wants to trust again but he is just trapped in the mindset that feelings are fatal, so he pushes everyone away and the second he feels someone getting close to him he doesn't something destructive to push them away.

Background story:

When he was 12 his father committed suicide, his mother shortly after put him into foster care where he met his carers and foster siblings, Gabriella and Arianna.


His father was a police officer and his mother was a teacher at a primary school, Adam and his father were always closer than his mother and him, Adam was named after his dad. His mother's name was Nikola.

Adam foster parents are both writers for the local newspaper and they have two teenage daughters, Gabriella Rose and Arianna Lily Espinoza.


His birthday is on Halloween and he is actually quite grateful that his birthday is on a public holiday since that way no one will force him into celebrating.

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