My name is Luciana Roman, however most don't know me by my legal name. Most know me by Lucifer. Lucifer is a monster, or some call her a murderer.
Growing up, I was raised by a loving family in Los Angeles California. That only lasted the first four years of my life.
It felt like such a normal day at first. My father took my older brothers to see a new movie at the theaters, I stayed at home with my Mama. We were having a girls day at the house.
Then there was the sound of glass shattering, Mama immediately took me to a linen closet. She made me promise to be silent and stay there no matter what.
I promised...
It felt like hours had gone by while I just sat there curled in a ball at the bottom of the closet. Then I heard it... Mama screaming at the top of her lungs... then a gunshot.
Footsteps were rushing outside my hiding spot, I stayed still and quiet. I wanted the nightmare to end and to be back with my Mama.
After a long time, the front door was opened and my brother's voices could be heard. Then a noise I never thought I would hear filled my ears, it was my father's angrily screams.
"Luci?", my panicked brother Vincenzo yelled as he raced down the hallway, "Where are you?"
I began to open the door, struggling to reach the handle. Before I could open it myself, it was snatched open. I winced at the bright light.
I was pulled into my brother Vince's arms before I could realize what was happening. Tears began to run down my cheeks.
"It's alright little sister, I've got you", He muttered while softly rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.
Once I was mostly calm, my brother picked me up and started to walk towards my bedroom.
"It's quite late and it's been a long day. Why don't we get you to sleep?", He explained to me.
It was the middle of the night when I was startled awake. My door was slammed open, making it collide with the wall. I rubbed my eyes, realizing it was only Papa.
He stumbled over to me and picked me up. He smelled funny. He took me outside to the car that was already running.
"Papa, where are we going", I asked with a yawn.
"You're going to the airport", He slurred, putting me into the backseat.
"Why am I going by myself", I sadly whispered, my eyes already filled with unshed tears.
Papa glared harshly at me.
"I refuse to let a fucking murderer live under my roof", He sneered while slamming the car door shut.
Before the car drove off, one of my other older brothers, Lorenzo, opened the car door. I thought he was going to take me back inside. My hope was diminished.
Lorenzo threw my shoes onto the floor. He held one of my favorite stuffed animals in his hand and a knife in the other.
"You're the reason Mama is dead", He stated before slicing the head of my teddy bear.
I let my tears slide down my face as I watched the head fall to the damp driveway. My tears didn't subside on the way to the airport. The driver took me inside.
I was put on a plane for New York.
For the next few years, I was still upset, and missed my family horribly. But once I grew up a bit, I decided I would become the monster my family thought I was.

Mafia's Missing Murderer.
Teen FictionLuciana Roman was blamed for her mother's death at the age of four by her family. She was called a murderer until she was shipped onto a plane for New York. One day she decided she would be what her family thinks she is. She is the mysterious kil...