17. He killed one of his siblings

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Luciana Point of View:

Since Lorenzo and I returned from the vending machine, Leonardo has been giving me worrying looks. Maybe Lorenzo told hold what had happened at Nicolas's apartment. None of my other brothers seem like they know. Hopefully they don't.

When everyone was finished eating, we decided to call it a day. I had so many bags, however my brothers refused to let me carry any of them back to the car.

"Val", I said when I saw the car.

"Hm?"He questioned, struggling not to drop any of the bags he had in his hands.

"Could I drive us home?"I smiled at him.


"I said could I drive home", I repeated.

"Absolutely not."

"Come on Val, I promise I'm a really good driver."








I kept begging as we continued walking to the car, hoping he would give in. I knew it sounded like I was a brat not accepting no as an answer. However he finally gave in.

Val sighed," If you so much as dent my car I won't even let you sit in the back seat."

"I won't dent it", I promised and took the keys from his hands.

After everyone and all the bags were secured inside both of the cars, I started the car. I paused, just listening to the engine hum. It was soothing to me.

"You have to hold the clutch in when you shift gears", Val explained, I could tell he didn't have any confidence in my driving ability. I don't think he knows I know how to drive a manuel car.

"You mean like this?", I asked, wanting to test my theory, putting the car in reverse to back out of the parking spot.


As I turned my head to look out the back window, I noticed that Vincenzo was now smushed in the backseat with Leo and Donnie. After I was out of the spot, I happened to see who was driving the other car, it was Lorenzo. This ought to be interesting.

I revved the engine, and Lorenzo did the same. Marcello was in the passenger seat. He had his hand outside the window and was signaling a countdown.

As soon as he put all three fingers down, I took off. I knew that the road to the highway was onelaned, so I needed to make sure I was ahead of Lorenzo. I took off out of the parking lot at a high speed.

"Luciana careful", Val yelled, panicking in the passenger seat.

I was driving at a normal speed, just for Val. However, as soon as I got onto the highway, I sped up. Going into a higher gear, then another, and then another.

After a few minutes of driving recklessly, I glanced in my rear mirror. I didn't see Lorenzo anywhere.

"This was a big mistake Val", VInce said.

"Oh hush", I chuckled," This is what having fun is like so stop being a backseat driver and enjoy the ride."

I glanced at Vince and he was shocked, probably at my remark. Soon we got back to the house. Lorenzo wasn't home yet. That meant I won. Hell yeah!

I glanced at my brothers, a proud grin on my face. Val looked like he was going to be sick or pass out. Donnie had his eyes closed and he was tightly gripping the handle on the door. However, Leo looked impressed with my driving.

"Holy fuck Luciana that was awesome", Leo exclaimed as he started to climb up into the front seat. He kept mumbling a bunch of questions.

Before I could reply to any of them, Val interrupted me, "Luciana do you know how dangerous that was? You could have killed us all. I don't know why I trusted you with my car. It's a wonder you even have your license."

"Wait... you do have your license, right Luciana?"Vince inquired.

"Well you see..."

"You don't have one", Val shook his head in disbelief.

"You didn't ask before you let her drive your car?", Vince demanded.

"Look it doesn't matter", Leo interrupted the argument," Lorenzo drove for a year and half without his license. No one lectured him about it."

"He didn't drive like she did-", Vince began.

"You're right Vince, He drove more reckless", Val sighed.

We then all got out of the car and started to unpack all the bags from the trunk. When we all had our hands full, Lorenzo finally pulled into the driveway.

"Look who's here", I said smugly," What took you so long?"

"Don't worry about it", Lorenzo grumbled.

Marcelllo blurted," He got a ticket."

Lorenzo glared at him,"The inspection expired."

Vince sighed," We will deal with it later."

Everyone else grabbed some bags and we went inside. It was peaceful for the first fifteen seconds. Then I heard the horrendous sound of furniture scraping against the wood floors. And Cora's loud mouth bossing the staff around.

Vince and Donnie decided to investigate, they went into the dinning room. They were only gone for a minute, then came back into the hallway with worried looks on their faces.

"What is it?", I curiously asked.

Donnie went over to Marcello and whispered in his ear.

"Oh shit", Marcello yelled before he started to pace.

Before I knew it, all of my brothers were panicking and looking worried.

"We are all going to die", Lorenzo muttered.

"Will someone please tell me what is happening?", I snapped. Something insane must be happening for Lorenzo to act like this.

Vince sighed," The rest of the family are going to be joining us for dinner."

"That doesn't seem horrible-"

"All hell breaks loose when everyone is together", Val interrupted," And this is the first time everyone has been together since Martino sent you to New York."

"It gets worse", Antonio said.

"How?", I pondered.

"One of our cousins", He continued," Killed one of his siblings, he is a psycho."

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