Forerunner (Halo 4)

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There is a flash as the team exits the portal from into a hallway-like room.

Y/N L/N: "That was too close."

Master Chief: "What were those ?"

Cortana: "Some sort of advanced defense AI. Related to the Sentinels most likely but it's hard to say without a closer look. C'mon let's try and figure out where that transit system dumped us."Buried and Forgotten

The team exits the hall onto a platform with a console on it, from which what appears to be the planet's core can seen in the distance.

Cortana: "Put me in the console."

The team walks up and you then inserted Cortana's data chip into the console. Cortana's avatar appears on the console and she looks around.

Y/N L/N: "Where's Infinity?"

Cortana: "This is Requiem's core alright, but Infinity is definitely not here. That satellite in the center is amplifying the ship's broadcasts like a relay."

Y/N L/N: "Maybe we can use it to respond."

Cortana: "Perhaps. Those beams coming off of it are creating the interference we've been experiencing, we'd have to take them out in order to contact Infinity."

Y/N L/N: "Can you get us there?"

Cortana taps part of a holographic display. A portal then opens.

Cortana: "Opening a gate to the first relay tower, pull me and let's go."

You removes Cortana's data chip and places it in your helmet. The team walks to their left and goes through the portal. The team then emerges in some kind of tunnel.

Y/N L/N: "This is the first pylon?"

Cortana: "Negative. This is as close as I could get us. Hope you don't mind hoofing it a little."

The team walks to the end of the tunnel and several blue lit dog like constructs scatter up the rock cliffs and out of sight.

Cortana: "Contacts!"

The team walks on until he comes to a wide clearing. One of the constructs that had previously been in the clearing, with blue-lit spines, leaps over a rock and fires followed by others climbing down the walls.

Cortana: "And they're back! There, crawling down the walls!"

The team then eliminates the new enemies.

Thelya 'Vadamee: "Those weren't the things we saw in the Terminus."

Cortana: "Similar cordical footprint as the tower AI, they're connected alright."

You activated a light bridge and the team then moves through a rock crevice.

Cortana: "Look out!"

The team looks up as a one of the constructs from the Terminus pounces on you from above. Its face splits apart and reveals a glowing human skull. You then punches the construct in the face and kicks yourself away from it. The construct then snarls and folds its limbs inward, teleporting away.

Cortana: "Well he's just a ray of sunshine isn't he? From that peek under the hood I'd say these constructs must be mimetic in nature."

As the team rounds the next bend several of the humanoid constructs can be seen teleporting along the ridgeline.

Catherine-B320: "More of them?"

Cortana: "Similar phasing activity at the edge of our sensors, we're about to get busy."

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