Pain Killa

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"Tell me all about it baby," Delise asked as she sat on the edge of the bed clad in lacey lingerie I was sure I'd financed. She was starting to remind me more and more of Suzette every damn day. I was loving it and hating it all at the same time and it had me ready to burst. I just peered out of the window over her head as she got to working on my belt buckle. "Tell me baby," Delise pressed before kissing all on my dick and taking me in her mouth. "I think it's over," my voice cracked as I shook my head.


"First Lady, the girls are in the dining room clearing the table cloths up from the tea. I'll let Evangelist Hornett know about needing to reschedule your meeting for the ladies' retreat and try to get it on the books since she's still here." YaZelle, the secretary smiled as she stood to excuse herself. "Alright, thank you. I appreciate that. God bless you, honey." I sat back in my seat behind my desk as she closed the door behind herself and I took a deep breath.

My head was hurting so bad I felt like I could barely keep my eyes open. Usually putting on a brave face to handle business didn't take that much out of me. But I'd already sat through that entire gathering fighting a migraine and an attitude and the first sight of Evangelist Hornett made my stomach turn. I was already doing too much. I knew I couldn't handle taking on another task today. So I had to cancel. I'd just have to hear my husband's mouth about it later. The light burned and I was feeling nauseous as I don't know what. A knock came to the door and in walked my sisters Erykah and Dawn.

"Did I answer that door?" I asked aloud and they just laughed together. "Girl you ain't have to answer. I got keys to this joint, remember?" Erykah chuckled as she jingled them before dropping them into her Hermès purse and I simply rested my head against the chair as both of my sisters sat in the chairs in front of my desk.
"You alright big sis?" Dawny asked and I nodded my head before responding with a question, "What's up?"

"You never got back to us about our sister trip. You know we usually go in July between all of our birthdays and I'm not try'na wait until the last minute if we doing something outta the country. Where do you wanna go?" Erykah asked and I rolled my eyes as I started looking through my desk for any pill to take. Usually I'd try to fight through the pain, but I could barely keep my eyes open and my head felt like the tumor inside of it was hitting all the cookout line dances or something.

Plus I had too much to oversee, so this migraine needed to bounce ASAP. All the good shit was in Cortez's medicine cabinet at the house... so I had to settle for as many Tylenol as I could take with the bottle of water I always kept on me and sat back. "Let's go to Paris," I suggested and Dawny smiled. "I like Paris. You try'na wear Bishop credit card out in Louis, huh?" I nodded. "You got it baby!"

We laughed as we high fived over my desk.

"Tuh." Erykah rolled her eyes. "I'll book it tonight."

"Well, I gotta ask my husband. If he say yeah I'll bring you some money," I said.

"You always gotta ask yo husband." Erykah shook her head. Just then my phone rang and I smiled at the sight of the caller ID. "Get out." I chuckled as I reached for it and Dawny kissed her teeth. "Ugh, that's prolly him now." They left, closing the door behind them as I answered.

"Hey Sammy," I said softly, spinning slowly in my chair. "Hey Sweetness," he chuckled, "How you?" I relaxed in my seat. "I won't complain. Where have you been?" I asked and I could hear him doing that dry laugh. "Don't take no pages outta my book Sweetheart. You know you been watching the phone ring all week. You busy? Think you can make some time for me?" I twisted my lips to the side. "I don't think so, I'm at church right now. I gotta lock up. I wanna make sure everything is back the way we found it before I leave."

Sweet Thang [COMPLETE]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara