God I Get It

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"Thank you all for joining us after that commercial break! My name is Felicity Daniels and today we are graced by a very special guest. Beside me I have legendary singer, songwriter, philanthropist— Suzette!" I smiled and waved as Felicity's audience clapped. Felicity's new show Get Real seemed to always be at the center of conversation these days. There wasn't a trending topic that hadn't been mentioned on this platform— except my ex husband and the scandal he tried to drag me through. Which was part of the reason I was here for this interview today. Yes, I was indeed on a promo tour. But as life would have it— Felicity reached out to my team personally, hoping to book me to discuss all of my latest creative ventures. So far, Felicity was coming across as a charming, business minded young lady. Also, the perceived respect for my privacy was surely earning her some brownie points with me. And although at the moment I can't say I know her very well, from what I'd heard from Elise Cook, Felicity's show was pulling numbers like a modern day Oprah.

"Thank you so much for joining me auntie Suzette! Can I call you auntie?" Damn, I done reached auntie status? I smiled and nodded with a subtle laugh. "No, thank you, it's a pleasure. How you?"

"I'm good, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm blessed to say the least. I was so excited to have the chance to sit down with you when I heard we got your call. I watch the show all the time."

"Oh my goodness, do you really?"

I nodded. "Every day almost with my baby girl. I usually got it on when she comes home from school."

"I cannot believe my ears. Thank you auntie. Now, you guys— it's no secret that Auntie Suzette dropped some new music on us! And if you ain't already heard, let me tell you this album is fire! I had just enough time to play it all the way through while I was getting ready this morning and on my way in and this is one album that has no skips on it, seriously you guys."

"Oh gosh, thank you," I said with one hand over my heart.

"Thank me?! Thank you! I've had it on repeat since it dropped but I had to play it this morning just to get in the right spirit. Y'all this morning this lady took me to church, she made me cry, she made me want to block all my exes, she made me call my new man and finesse a date later— Auntie!" Felicity smacked her hand on the couch and I couldn't help but to chuckle. "I want to know where all that soul comes from Auntie. Because anybody can sing. But what you do is different. What you do is you take scripture and you wrap it around these songs that talk about real life stuff. And it is always so beautiful. How do you do that? Why do you do that?"

I smiled. "Well I do it because to me that's like therapy. For a long time I didn't have anybody I could talk to. For a long time I couldn't even really talk to God out loud. I didn't want to risk my children hearing a lot of those prayers. And especially not my ex husband. So I started singing some of them because a lot of the times he didn't pay attention when I sang. I pray more now. But sometimes it still just comes out like that. And it just feels so good when it does."

"Wow. I must say I'm awestruck just by the gift God has given you. Was it always like that? Your prayers? Like music to the ears of an angel?"

"Uh... no," I chuckled. "I'm humble enough to admit I see the growth and evolution in the songs I've written. But the things I was going through pushed me to look for answers. And I looked for them in the Bible. The Bible says to study to show thyself approved as to rightly divide the word and not be ashamed. My Mama introduced me to that scripture very early and it served as a reminder. It pushed me to desire to know God well enough and try to give Him a reason to speak to me." "How'd you go about that?" Felicity cut in. "I would study and study and study the word and just pray in my head. And after a while it would start to sound pretty. And even though some of those prayers were rooted in pain they were the keys to doors I know only God could have opened for me. I don't hurt no more— most days at least. And when I do I know I'm still blessed and my now makes my then look like a sucka I knocked out on the street," I laughed with Felicity. "But I'm still so grateful and thankful to God for all the ways He's blessed me. He didn't allow me to drown in the midst of the storm. And I think with this album that's where all the feeling comes from. Cuz I know if it had not been for Him I wouldn't be where I am."

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