Oh How Precious

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Four Months Later

"What's all this noise in here?" With a fake pout on my lips I entered Shayne's room to find her trying to get Zaya to hold still so she could put some ballies and barrettes in her hair. I stood in the doorway screwing my earrings in as Zaya's eyes met mine with sadness.

"Nana, Mama snapped me in the head with a ballie." I almost laughed but held it together. "Awww, I'm sure it was an accident Lil Nugget. Ain't she say sorry?" I asked as I sat beside Shayne and Zaya nodded. "Mhm."

"Then quit givin' her a hard time, she didn't mean to. Besides, don't you want to look pretty to go to the church?"

"I'm already pretty Nana. I don't need no ballies to make me pretty." I laughed with Shayne. "I know that's right Zay. You sure is a pretty girl. But you still better quit givin' my child a hard time. I got up early and made breakfast and if you hurry you might get you a surprise before we have to leave." Zaya sighed. "Okay. You had me at breakfast." I laughed. That child is a little too silly for her own good.

I got up and stood in the hallway outside Shayne's door. "Saniya! You dressed baby?" I called out and she poked her head around the corner at the end of the long hallway. "Yes ma'am."

"Ight, I made plates come on downstairs with me." I held out my hand and she came out of her room dressed so pretty in her all white and I smiled. "You look nice." My baby child cheesed at my compliment.
"Thank you Mama. You look good girl that thang is thangin'!" She said as she took my hand and I laughed while shaking my head. "Ain't that thang thangin' though?!" Shayne called out from her room and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Y'all are a mess. Come on. Shayne, hurry up now we gone be leavin' in about thirty five minutes and I was hopin' we'd all ride together."

"Alright Mama."

Saniya held my hand as we descended the stairs. Upon entering the kitchen I found Sammy sitting there on the phone with one of his friends. "Nigga I ain't bettin' on another game with you. Every time your team lose you disappear," he chuckled as I sat in his lap. "Good mornin' honey," I whispered as I kissed his neck and Sammy looked at me like he was ready to throw me on this table and have his way with me. His eyes traveled down my body which was clad in a beautiful tight white bell sleeved dress. "Good mornin' to you. What you doin' lookin' like this girl?" I giggled as he rested his hand on my stomach. "Your hands just better be clean. Did you eat yet? Shayne still up there doin' the baby's hair."

"They is and I did. I can't believe today's really that day. I ain't think this would happen so fast." I nodded while straightening out his white blazer. "Me either. But it feels right, don't it?" Sammy began pecking my lips until I finally kissed him back. "It absolutely does. Aye Marcus, man let me call you back. Peace," he hung his phone up and sat it on the table. "I never thought I'd be doin' this ever again. But I'm so glad I'm doin' this witchu." I blushed as he rubbed my thigh. "Lord send me one," Saniya prayed and I picked up a napkin and threw it at her. "You a baby, you got other things to worry about," I reminded her. "Yeah, you don't need to be worried about none of these knucklehead lil boys out here. When you sixteen they ain't on nothin' but stupid."

"Is that how it was with y'all when you was my age?"

She dipped her bacon into her grits and me and Sammy looked at each other laughing. "Yes he was," I said and Sammy tapped my thigh. "I was not. You knew I ain't want nobody but you girl."

I rolled my eyes. "That's how you tell it. But Sammy here had every lil girl in the church ready to lose they dirty lil drawls over him." I poked his head. "And I wasn't worried about them. It was you who niggas used to walk up to everywhere you went. I started paying Dawny in dimebags to look out for me when I wasn't around." I gasped. "You did that?" He grinned and shrugged nonchalantly.

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