After The Love Has Gone

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Three Weeks Later

"Ohhh..." I moaned out in pain as I scooted down in my bed. I had been home from the hospital for quite some time now and just like the doctors told me— I was having a hard time doing just about anything on my own. But my kids had all shown themselves to be so concerned that it seemed like I wasn't going not even ten minutes without someone either popping in or calling to check on me. They were taking turns. If I wasn't in so much pain I probably could have found it amusing but all in all I was grateful and touched to see how much they cared.

Shayne had come in to check on me and bring me something to eat on her way to work earlier. However at the time I wasn't up to moving at all. The pain I was in had me barely wanting to get up and wash my ass. So sitting up to try and feed my face without making a mess of things was nowhere near the top of my list.
The doctor told me that the seizure I had in the operating room would prolong my recovery and these days I was seeing just how true that was. I was having dizzy spells, I could just barely take myself to the bathroom, and the slightest bit of discomfort sent me diving head first into a migraine that felt like it could knock me out Cortez style.

I really only felt better when I was on those damn Percocet— but I was sick of popping pills only to be able to just barely walk around my own damn house.
"Suzette," I heard Cortez enter the room as I laid there with my eyes closed. I seemed so sensitive to light as of late that being in the dark or being asleep was the only comfort I could count on. So I didn't want to open my eyes out of fear that this headache would never go away.

"Yeah?" I replied. "You alright?" Cortez asked and his voice grew nearer and I soon felt his weight sink into the bed as he sat beside me. "Yeah. I'm fine," I moused.
"Are you sure? You're looking a little pale," Cortez pressed. "I'm alright, it's just a headache," I told him.
"Well maybe it's time for some more medicine. Here," he said as I heard the bottle of pills rattle.

"No, I'm tired of takin' those pills Cortez," I tried to decline them. "Well if you want to start feeling better you have to do what the doctor said. He gave you these for a reason my dear. Come on, sit up," Cortez pulled me up to have me take more medication before he let me lay back down. But I noticed that his scent never left.

I opened my eyes when I started feeling a little better about thirty minutes later to see Cortez still sitting at the edge of my bed with his hands clasped together staring at the wall like he was deep in thought. When he realized I was watching him he gave me his attention.

"Are you hungry? What can I do for you?" Cortez asked while rubbing my leg.

My brows drew together in confusion. "What's got you bein' so nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked.

"You're my wife, Susie," Cortez reminded me and I pursed my lips before saying, "Me bein' your wife ain't never stopped you from doin' me how you do." He held one of my hands in both of his and said, "How I did," trying to correct me. I could have rolled my eyes so hard. "How can you be so sure of yourself?" I asked as I gently tilted my head to the side.

Cortez shook his head and sighed. "I can't. I can only hope, pray and try." He picked up a large manila envelope that I hadn't even noticed sitting on the bed and opened it.

"I found these in a drawer in your dressing room... divorce papers Suzette?"

My eyes flew wide open. Shit! "What?" I asked and Cortez held his hand up. "Don't play stupid. How long have you wanted this for?" He asked and I panicked and fell into tears before speaking, "Cortez... baby I don't know what I was thinkin' gettin' those, I'm sorry you had to find it." Even though that wasn't the case and the pain meds were working on my system, I knew I still ain't have the strength to fight Cortez back if he decided to haul off and hit me. So my first instinct was to plead with him. He grabbed me by the arm and I straightened up real fast. "Don't you put your sorry ass hands on me nigga!" I said while snatching away. "I'm not gonna hit you." He looked over at me and took his glasses off before wiping tears of his own from his face.
"How long have you wanted this for?"

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