On The Run

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One Week Later

"What the hell?" I mumbled as I stepped out onto the balcony of my bedroom. I looked down to see two police officers banging at our front door and my heart immediately skipped a beat. "Good morning, officers. Could you give me a minute and I'll be right down?"

"Sure thing Miss Woods. Take your time," the white man said and my eyebrows snapped together as I turned to enter my room. I took my phone off the cord to call my brother as I let my little bathrobe fall from my body and I hopped into the tightest pair of tights I had and slipped into a t-shirt.

"Hello?" Shakur answered the phone, sounding like he was asleep.

"You home bruh? The cops just banged on our door."

"What? Hell naw, I ain't home."

"You got any of that shit around?"

"Fuck no." He hung up and I looked at my phone with the stankest face before running downstairs to open the door and try to force a little of my Mama's spirit into my demeanor. "How you doin' gentlemen? How can I help you?" I put a hand on my hip and a warm smile on my face.

"Good morning Miss Woods, I'm well. I'm Lieutenant Harris and this is my partner Officer Oliver. How are you?" The older man extended his hand for me to shake and I took it. "I won't complain. What's going on?"

"Miss Woods. There are some things that my partner and I would like to discuss with you concerning your ex husband— Darnell Hill. Could you spare a minute of your time?" Holy shit this is happening! "Darnell? Is he in some kind of trouble?"

"Do you mind if we come inside and have a seat Miss Woods?"

"Oh... sure, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Come in," I opened the door wider and they both stepped in. Immediately the lower ranking officer picked up our very first family photo with my dad in it from the table in the foyer. "One big happy family, hey?" Officer Oliver smiled and I just smiled and nodded and motioned for the both of them to join me in the den. "Can I get either of you anything? Coffee? Water? I asked as they made themselves comfortable. "We're fine Miss Woods." I joined them in taking a seat.

"Miss Woods... we're here to inform you that we're currently investigating the disappearance of your ex-husband."

"What? You mean to tell me... nobody knows where he is?"

"I'm sorry Miss Woods. I'm afraid that's the case. You see a few months ago it was reported that Darnell stopped showing up to work after his accident. And when he stopped paying the rent at your house the Landlord showed up and when he didn't find anyone there he called the police. "Wait a minute, what accident?"

"You weren't aware that Darnell was involved in an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down the day after he signed your divorce papers?"

"No I wasn't. I make it my business to stay as far away from Darnell as possible. He's crazy."

"Crazy? Crazy how?"

"He abused me in front of our daughter fucking crazy. Y'all need to find him!" I worked some fear into my voice as I began to look around. "Miss Woods. We've been in touch with the staff at the facility where Darnell was treated after the accident. I can personally assure you that with the state Darnell is in he poses no physical threat to you or your daughter," Officer Oliver stated.

I shook my head as tears started running down my cheeks. "You don't know him! That man stood there and held a gun to my head! And then he turned it on my baby! You have to find him!" I started wiping my face dry.

"We hear your concern Miss Woods and I want to assure you that we will do all that we can to solve Darnell's case. Now... is there anyone who may have wanted to hurt Darnell? Do you know if he had any enemies or any family he could possibly be staying with?" The Lieutenant asked.

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