10 Seconds

218 17 12

Sunday Afternoon

"Darnell! Zay!" I called out as I let myself into what would soon be what used to be home. Nobody answered back. "Darnell?! Zay?!" I called out again as I started to get aggravated. When I pulled up I saw Darnell's car parked on the street like for whatever reason he was still saving the spot in the garage for me.

So I knew they were home. I walked further inside looking for them in the living room. The TV was blasting some new cartoon but there was nobody watching. I smacked my teeth as I walked across the foyer and into the kitchen.

"What the hell?!" I hollered as I took in the sight of my three-year-old on a step stool attempting to make noodles on the stove. I nearly tackled Zaya as I rushed her away from the open flames and placed her on the floor. I looked across the island to see Darnell snorting lines of I don't know what off the countertop and my eyes shot open. "Are you fuckin' kidding me?! Darnell, you gone sit up here and do drugs?! And then you gone do em in front of my fuckin' daughter and let her cook on the stove by herself? How stupid can you b—," I held up my hand and stopped myself before I completely lost my character. "You know what? This ain't my fuckin' problem no more. You said you were gone have those papers signed for me today, so where they at? Hand them over so me and my child can go," I said while clapping my hands as I spoke with them.

Darnell stood straight up and wiped his nose halfway clean of the white powder he'd just sniffed and snatched my arm. "Your child?!" He growled in my face as I snatched my arm back. "Yeah, my child. Look, I ain't with that bullshit. You either gone give me the divorce papers like we discussed, or we can have our lawyers take care of it." I stood my ground.

"You just so done, huh?" I nodded with pursed lips.

"Oh, absolutely! I gave you my boundaries up front and you had no problem crossing them. What did you expect?"

"Shut the fuck up, Shay!" Darnell barked in my face and I pushed Zaya from behind me towards the foyer.

"You got me fucked all the way up if you think I'ma shut up just because you said so! I can't believe you really that dumb to do that shit and then to do that in front of my daughter!"

He smacked me and I held my cheek as I bit my lip before starting to swing on him and I was getting my licks in. He punched me dead in the mouth and I tasted blood and kept swinging, not caring about whatever was coming next. Darnell was definitely bigger than me and stronger than me and a part of me knew he was only letting me hit him. But I would be damned if I ever let him put his hands on me in front of my child and let her watch me just take it.

"You ain't never gone see my child again, bitch!" I hissed, punching him right in the eye with all the force I had making him stumble a little bit. I started walking towards Zaya, telling her to go for the door when Darnell stepped in front of me. He wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed it so tight that my damn knees buckled.

"You saying that ain't my child?!"

I tried to shake my head no as I attempted to hit and scratch him but it only made his grip grow tighter.

"You touch me again, and I'll kill you. Do you hear me?!"

I nodded. I was barely able to think, but I knew I had to do or say anything just to make it out of Darnell's hands alive. "I said do you hear me?!"

Sweet Thang [COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora