If This World Were Mine

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"Erykah, I just don't know if I can do this again!" I said while shaking my hands frantically as I stood in front of the mirror. Both of my sisters fled to my side looking at me like I had just lost all of my marbles.

"Girl, whatchu mean? You standing here in a wedding gown at True Vine about to marry the love of your life," Dawny reminded me like I didn't already know and I threw my head back ready to have a fit.

"And I thought I was marryin' the love of my life when I married Cortez and look how that turned out! I just don't wanna get hurt again, I can't do it." I was breathing so heavily I probably could have started hyperventilating. I snatched the cathedral length veil out of my head and picked up my silk train so I could have a seat and stare out of the window. "I wish Mama was here," I pouted and nearly burst into tears.

Erykah sat beside me handing me a tissue as she placed an arm around me. "First of all, you knew damn well Cortez was not the love of your life," Erykah started and I rolled my eyes. If there was one thing my sister didn't do it was pull any punches. "You married him because on the surface it looked like you two matched. I don't doubt that there were feelings involved. There had to be for you to stick around and put up with his bullshit for as long as you did. But you know Sammy always had a lock on your heart. And just because you made a mistake then... that doesn't have to mean you're making a mistake now, sis." I looked over at Erykah with pinched brows. "But what if this changes too?" Dawny sat next to me on the arm of the couch. "We not kids no more, SuSu. You was so young when you got married the first time. You found yourself. Sammy's found himself. I mean think about it. In all the years that you've known Sammy has he ever changed on you?" I shook my head no without saying a word. "Then what you actin' like you don't know the man you about to marry for? What you need a drink?" Erykah laughed and I shook my head as I wiped my tear ducts clean with the tissue.

"I feel like I need a joint."

Dawny laughed while picking up my little white clutch. "Well if that's the case you remember this is in here for after Sammy puts your head through the headboard tonight." We all laughed while watching her take a whole blunt out of her purse and drop it in mine before spraying the outside of it with the bottle of Sammy's favorite Louis Vuitton perfume of mine I left sitting on the table. She looked at the watch on her arm. "Alright we posed to line up in five minutes, you wanna take a shot? I got some spirits in here too," Dawny pulled out three tiny little bottles of Henny and I laughed so hard.

"Damn Dawny what don't you got in that bag?!" I snatched it from her to look inside. "Oh hush and come on!" Dawny took my hand and pulled me to my feet as Erykah placed my veil back on my head.
"All three of us gone make a lil toast. Since I'm your favorite sister, I'll go first." Dawny cheesed while cracking open all the bottles and passing them out before holding hers up and I just shook my head. "To giving my sister away to a nigga I actually trust."

Erykah almost cracked up and I rolled my eyes. "No seriously, I couldn't be more happy that it's him for you. I know you like to act like you don't need nobody to take care of you, but I know he can and I know he will. Cheers!" Dawny took that whole little bottle to the head as she hugged me.

"Ight alcoholic it's my turn!" Erykah said, causing me to laugh. "You already know me and Dawny making our speeches at the reception, so all I'ma say is you better put that thang on him somethin' crazy tonight because you know I stopped bein' an overnight auntie a long time ago!" I laughed so hard my stomach started hurting almost instantly before watching Erykah down her bottle like it was nothing. "Whew! You got anything you wanna say before you take your shot sis?" Erykah asked. "Yeah, I am not takin' that whole thing like that." My sisters sucked their teeth simultaneously. "Yes you is! Come on girl, quit the playin'," Dawny urged me and I took a deep breath.
"Y'all better pray for my soul and all my holes because the way Sammy been talkin' to meeee, if my tubes wasn't tied we might had been comin' up on another babyyyyy!" I took my shot as my sisters squealed.

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