Heaven or Hell

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Eleven Days Later

"She took everything D..." I looked down into her bosom. I'd been pulling up to the church for the last few Sunday's to find an empty lot and an even emptier feeling sanctuary. The only soul left in the place was mine.

"I'm sorry boo," Delise squeezed my shoulder as tears flowed like the Jordan river down my face. I ran my hand down it and sniffled and Delise sat herself in my lap and put my hands on her ass.

"You're the strange woman that caused all of this. How can you sit yourself in my lap and look me in my face?"

"Excuse me? How am I to blame for all this?"

"Did you not hear what that... that thug had to say on the microphone that day they took my church?"

"Well... a lot of people had a lot of things to say that day. You have to be more specific."

"We both know you sported that pink fascinator I got you back in '07 at least once a month for a year. And there's nobody in the world my wife could have snuck up on me with but you," I said as I looked up into Delise's eyes.

"Well if I'm not mistaken back in '07 you were still promising me to leave her fat ass too! How dare you find blame for me in all this bullshit," Delise said, calling herself getting up to walk away from me. But I stood with her before she could even walk a full foot and grabbed her wrist to pull her back.

"What Cortez?" Delise asked, breathing anger.

"You don't walk away from me," I corrected her and watch her put on disobedience like it was supposed to be cute. She folded her arms and shifted all her weight to one foot before cocking her head to the side. "Or what?"

She was challenging me. "Don't do this to us, Delise," I pleaded as I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't do what to us?" Her attitude spilled over.

"We don't have to be like this Delise. I want us to be better than me and Suzette."

"That ain't what it seem like to me," Delise said with a shrug— looking and sounding just like Suzette.

"Why you gotta do this to me?! To us?!" I didn't even realize I was shaking her. But before I could even try to regain any sense of control over the situation, Delise's fist met my eye with force I hadn't fathomed feeling at the hands of my lover.

"Delise!" I held up my hands to put some distance between us but Delise threw another punch... and another punch... and another. "What bitch you think you dealing with nigga?!"

Four A.M.

"I caused pain I now feel. Opened wounds I can't heal. I broke her heart and I can't unbreak it. She said I took her heart and I only shaked it. I can't erase these mistakes. Lord please if you could just take my pain away. I don't think... I can go another day. Living this cold life in this lonely way. God you know I only want to make it. But I can't do this life... so I gotta shake it."

"Corny ass nigga," I said to myself as I looked down at the 'suicide' note on Hope House letterhead. Cortez left it for my mom the time he cried wolf after begging her to come home from Aunt Erykah's for two weeks straight. When my dad handed me this shit the day he married my Mama, I had no idea what the fuck he was doing with it or why the fuck he was giving it to me. All he said was, "You'll know what to do when you get that call." Then he buttoned his suit and walked into the sanctuary of the church.

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