My Need

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"Good afternoon, First Lady! My God, Bishop preached that sermon on patience, didn't he?" Sister Adelia approached me for a hug and a handshake just as I'd stepped down off the pulpit. Can she not see I'm in a rush here? It took all of my angels to convince me not to roll my eyes in her face as I plastered on a fake smile while nodding in agreement. I love my husband more than I love anyone in the world and God knows I love Him too. But sometimes being Bishop Winston Sapphire's wife came with a load that I didn't care to bear— like the people who were so eager to speak to me after service for no other reason than being seen speaking to me after service. "Absolutely, I found his comparison between Job and the reformed man to be quite profound. Didn't you?" I asked politely. "I sure did. And I must say this suit looks stunning on you!"

I smiled a flattered smile. "Well thank you very much. You look wonderful as well! Now would you excuse me for just a second? I see an old friend and I want to catch her before she slips out the door." Sister Adelia nodded politely and I blew her a kiss before rushing down the center aisle to place my hand on the shoulder of a woman I hadn't seen in a real long time. I almost wouldn't have minded if she didn't turn around until she did. "Suzette Woods. How are you girl?" She smiled that one million dollar smile before pulling me into a hug. I rubbed her back as she chuckled in my ear. Damn, she smells good enough to lick. "Hey Jen! I'm good, how are you? It's been forever, hasn't it?" I nodded as we pulled away and I held onto her hands.

"What's it been, seven years?" I asked and she shook her head. "More like ten. And girl your husband sure preached today. And I see baby boy was back there doin' his thang on them drums. Y'all got somethin' real good goin' up in here." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, thanks. But I'm sure we ain't got nothin' on Hope House. How's Cortez doin'?" Suzette rolled her eyes, a gesture I don't think I'd ever seen her do before. "Please don't even mention Cortez. We're divorced." I gasped. Hallelujah! "Really?" I asked. She nodded before turning and reaching for the hand of the gentleman I didn't even realize was waiting behind her, beside her sister Erykah and what had to be her youngest child. I took that moment to throw Erykah a wave. "Hey E. I didn't even see you there. And oh my goodness, is this Saniya? You're growing up to be a beauty sweetheart."

"Hey Jennifer."

"Yes ma'am, thank you," Saniya said with a polite smile.

"But let me introduce you two. Sammy, this is an old good friend of mine Jennifer Sapphire. Jen, this is my fiancé... Sammy." I gasped again. "Fiancé? Girl you just full of surprises, ain't you?" I asked before turning my eyes to the tall fine piece of man on Suzette's arm and extending my hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, Sammy. Me and Suzette go way back."

"Nice to meet you too, SuSu's told me all about you. I must say she didn't tell me that you and your husband was the first family of this fine church though," he said before turning to Suzette.

"Sweetheart, Shakur has been ringin' my phone all service long. I'm gonna go see what's goin' on and start the car. I'll see you outside, ight?" She nodded and gave him her sweet smile before he slid out the door looking at his phone. "Sit down! When did you meet that fine chocolate bomb?" I asked as I pulled her down beside me into an otherwise empty pew and Suzette did that little giggle of hers that always left me tickled. "I've known Sammy all my life. He's the twins Godfather, y'know?" I shook my head. "I had no clue. So when's the big day? Have y'all set a date for the wedding yet?"

"Yes, it's gonna be May tenth. It's still a lil while away. Here, put your number and address in my phone so I can mail you an invite. I been meanin' to reach out to get you one but I got a new phone and lost all my contacts. It would really mean the world to me if you and Winston came." I smiled as she handed her phone over with the address book open and I filled in our information. "I'd love to be there! We gotta get together sometime soon in between your wedding plannin'. I'll see when Winston's free and maybe we can all go on a double date or somethin' to celebrate. It'll be just like old times with me and Winnie and you and Cortez but maybe this new man of yours will let you have a lil drinky drink," I said quietly and Suzette grabbed my hand as we fell into each other laughing.

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