Love Is Blind

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I woke up early to cook a big breakfast for my husband and children. Hearing that Shayne was home brought Shakur home as well. I was so happy to have my eldest son staying at home for the first time in seven whole years. I hated that he chose to run the streets to get away from all the constant fighting between me and his father he witnessed as a child. But the maternal part of me understood that it was just too much of a burden to bear. My cell phone started vibrating in the back pocket of my denim skirt and I pulled it out to see a text from Sammy, my best friend, telling me that he was outside my house. That's odd. I went downstairs to wake up Shayne.

"Sweet Pea." I sat on the edge of her bed shaking her awake. She jumped awake like fear ran through her body and I kissed her head. "Relax it's just me. It's just Mama." She sat up, wiping sweat from her brow before wrapping her arms around her knees. "I'm sorry for wakin' you up so early... I was just gonna ask you to finish breakfast so I could go take care of somethin'. But I'll ask Shakur." Shayne shook her head and swung her long legs over the edge of the bed. "I got it, Mama. No need to poison us with my brother's cooking." I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "Thanks, Sweetie."

I ran upstairs while brushing my hands on my apron. I took it off and dropped it on a nearby barstool before rushing out of the front door to see Sammy leaning against his spotless ice blue BMW i8 chewing on a toothpick. Before flying down the steps and into his arms, I looked over his glistening chocolate body that stood there clad in gray sweatpants and a crisp beater. It amazed me how even now in his late forties Sammy was built as hard as he actually was and that face was still as beautiful as it had ever been. The muscles that adorned that man's body left me wondering if he could still bench press me like he could in high school.

Inhaling deeply as he squeezed me, I took in the scent of what I knew was Armani cologne. I was there to know that it was the first high end fragrance he bought when he first got his hands on a little bit of money and he'd been wearing it ever since just because he knew I liked it. I pulled away smiling as he kissed my cheek.

"Whatchu doin' here so early Sammy?" I asked, noticing he was still holding onto my hand. I pulled it away and it flew to my neck as I looked up behind me to see that the curtains in my bedroom were still closed. He took my hand again as my gaze returned to him. "Hey. I needed to see you. I missed you. And besides... I haven't been able to stop thinkin' about you since we spoke on the phone," he said straightforwardly and I hid my blush. "That's really sweet. But why didn't you call? Cortez is gonna be wakin' up soon," I said and he shook his head before placing his hands on my widespread hips and pulling me close.

"Why you always gotta do this Sammy?" I asked while rolling my eyes as he bit down on his bottom lip. "What am I doin' that's so bad SuSu? I can't hug my best friend now?" I sighed. "We did hug. But this is just too close, it's inappropriate. You know that." I slid his hands from off my body and stepped out of his embrace. "Mhm. Get in the car. We need to talk." He opened the door. With Cortez around he knew for sure that he wasn't welcome inside, so I obliged and watched him stroll around the front of his car as I reached across to open his door and he got in and pulled off.

Sammy drove a little ways while playing with his toothpick before pulling up at the community's park.

He parked, put his seat back, and looked at me like he was holding something back. Usually, reading him was easy to do but today it seemed impossible and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it had been the time apart or maybe he didn't want me to know what he was about to throw at me. Either way, my nerves were bouncing off the wall. "How you been, SuSu?" He asked as he turned the radio up just when Sweet Thing by Chaka Khan came on. "Aw man..." he started, rubbing his hands together. "This used to be our song. Remember?"

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