Don't Do It Without Me

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Tears flew down my face and I felt my husband squeeze my hand tightly as we sat side by side on the large platform he called a pulpit. The choir was singing one of my favorite songs. He handed me a tissue and I patted my tears away before sticking my hand in the air and waving it, praying that the Lord would hear my cry. Even if I could only cry out to him about all the bullshit in my head. After spending a few days with my big sister Erykah, here I was back by my husband's side.

When Sammy dropped me off the next morning after he practically dragged me out of my house Erykah had all kinds of questions for me. Like what was I doing riding around with Sammy and did Cortez have anything to do with it. And just like every other time she asked me that I lied to protect my family. Anyway, Cortez had been calling and calling and calling just crying and apologizing. When I finally went home to hear him out and to check on the kids Cortez had pulled out all the stops. He acted like all he wanted was to be up under me and whisper sweet nothings and he was doing all my chores, cleaning the house and cooking meals and kissing on me just to kiss on me.

We even had sex... once... almost.

Was I surprised? Hell no. Did I appreciate the gesture he was trying to make? I was trying to. But more than anything, I was praying that it would stay this way.

I picked my head up to see the minister of music attempting to pass me a microphone and I shook my head, declining at first. But then I was taking the mic without even realizing it. I stood to my feet belting out the lyrics to the sweet sweet melody. This song always moved my spirit and today I really felt those words. I felt like I'd need a miracle to get me through whatever was coming next and somehow I felt like you could hear my heart posture all through that song too. I ministered to myself as I ministered to that congregation and by the end, folks could barely gather themselves. Men and women all over the sanctuary from evangelists and deacons to the young people and the ushers were caught up in the spirit— praying, singing, and speaking in tongues.

I took my seat with my arms outstretched giving God a yet praise as I let my tears flow freely before calming down. The choir sang two more songs— Nobody Like Jesus and Put a Praise On It and they took us in. When my husband stood, so did everyone else. Cortez preached a sermon on wisdom with passages from Proverbs and Job.

"Brothers and sisters the book goes on to say that we should not envy a man of violence nor choose his ways... for the path of the deviant is an abomination to the Lord but his confidence is with the righteous. Now who would we be as God's people to choose to be an eyesore in the sight of the Lord we so love over being His friend?" Boy does this man have a way with words... you'd think he'd take his own damn advice.

After he'd gotten through and the offering was collected, he said benediction and met me back at our seats just to turn his back on me and talk to one of the deacons. Zaya ran up on the pulpit hugging my legs and I picked her up. "Hey baby girl. Where's your Mama?" Zaya giggled. "I left her. Nana why you askeded me about Mama when I came up here to give you love?" She pinched her face up and I laughed. "Watch that mouth, now," I said as Shayne walked up the steps of the pulpit.

"Sorry Mama. Her tail took off running as soon as we stood up."

I shook my head. "It's fine. Where is Saniya? I ain't see her sittin' with you." Shayne looked up from her phone. "She went to sit with her friends up in the balcony. We goin' out to eat?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ask your Daddy," I said while sitting back in my seat as we waited for him to finish talking with another minister. "Daddy, are we gonna go eat out?" Shayne asked as Cortez finally turned around and Saniya stood beside her.

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