Chapter 34

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"You look gorgeous, Nora."

Nessa said to my reflection in the mirror. I weakly smiled at her. She really did a great job with my outfit as my stylist and best friend. The black dress was perfectly fitted on my body and the long-slitted sleeves were giving it a classy look. It was perfect. It wasn't her fault that I no longer see things the way I used to. Not when they're on me.

"You're up Miss Rodriguez." A girl with an earpiece around her head said, popping her head through the door. I nodded at her and looked at myself again in the mirror. I wasn't surprised I still no longer see myself. My hair is shorter now, but it's not about physical appearance.

I don't know you.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, remembering why I was doing all of this in the first place. For him. I'm doing it for him.

"Today we're having a very inspiring special guest who has topped the charts of most requested attorney for the past two years. Please, welcome the beautiful...Eleonora Rodriguez!"

Here goes everything...

"Tell me, Eleonora," Camie Samson looked up with a smile from her cue cards, "I'm sure the people want to know who was behind this great success. Who was your inspiration?"

If I were a different me, I'd probably cringe and correct her statement; I was behind my own success. However, I couldn't argue with her because I didn't feel I was really there for my success. It was all devoted to someone.

"My...father," I feel my throat close up, "He's definitely my biggest motivation. Also, my mentor, of course, Emily Locke. She aided my career and my life before retiring."


It continued for another half an hour, my first debut on television. I smiled fake smiles and laughed a fraud sound, just like the usual now. Only when I returned backstage did I grin with a warm heart.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you, Nora." Nessa smiled, holding a chocolate cake with frosting "Best Famous Bad Bitch Attorney"

"Come here," I wrapped my arms around her, "Thank you."

"Do you want to go celebrate?"

"Can we do that tomorrow? I'm so drained for today." I looked at her apologetically.

"It's your call, babe." She shrugged, trying to hide her concern and sadness.

I knew it was normal to go celebrate something like this but...I just didn't feel like it. She understood that and I was grateful yet again.


I was back at my house not a while later.

The first month I moved here, I came back each day having doubts that this was my own house. I mean, when you've lived in a ragged apartment half of your life, you wouldn't believe a mansion was where you live now.

I sigh, welcoming the solitude with a halfhearted feeling; I didn't know whether I liked it or not.

My mother and Eva are living in a house near the bakery. They've tried to get me to live with them but I couldn't. The thought of having to see their faces, full of hurt and disappointment in me would wreck what the accident left of me.

I am disappointed in myself. My anger and hurt left me losing both of the only men whom I loved.

I hadn't been with my father before he died because I was angry at my family.

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