Opening Shots

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If there were historians who would come after the dust has finally settled, when the fiery winds from the storms that drenched the lands of magic finally calmed and the new dawn arose, they would debate how these storms came to be.

They would debate how did the first skirmishes between two countries escalate into a full-blown war. A war that would cause the lives of millions, displace millions more, and ultimately result in the destruction of the other state. The state that attacked was the one doomed to fall, they will argue while some would say that the state who attacked could've emerged victorious if they would have just been careful.

Regardless, the outcome has already been decided when they resorted to such desperate measures, abandoning their homes to fight the enemy. But who would defend their homes from an enemy they long considered a mere nuisance? How come such a state of power and knowledge be outsmarted by some men of metal?

The opening shots were the beginning of the end for that state. The end of their monopoly in their region. The beginning of a shockwave which shook the very foundations of the world from its feet and toppled the pillars which supported it.

The forest was brimming with activity, not because of nature, but because of the men who marched through it. An army 20 million strong entered the forest that day divided into columns of 200 which were all 100,000 men and women strong. They wielded enchanted spears, swords, axes, and maces as they wore their blue decorated breastplates and helmets. They marched into the forest with mages to their front.

Ever single common soldiers in the army are in either in the <D–> to <B+> ranks.

They were separated from the army, a whole new group composed of individuals with not only the ability to bend and control magic but the wisdom of great strategists and commanders. They marched forth from the army and into the forest they went. They covered themselves and avoided their enemies ability to detect them by using their magic to the fullest.

They hid among the bushes, the tall grass, the branches of the trees. They used stealth, something they worked hard upon.

They had blessings from the Goddess Gliesia who almost had her positioned revoked and her powers stripped from her, but she was given one more chance to prove herself worthy. Using the pressure pushed against her, she utilized her plans to the fullest and used her powers directly.

Any soldiers are powerful in either at the late stages or peak of <A+> rank(Lv.90-100) were an Elite Special Group Forces, with the aid of the goddess, their power was beyond their dreams and they wept in joy, knelt before her grace before embarking. Their hearts were now as hard as gold and their will tough as iron. Determined, they set out.

Disappoint their Goddess, they did not.

When they finally met their adversaries, they were careful and disciplined. They snuck through the foliage and used their enemy's abilities against them. How did they accomplish this? It was simple for them, the Goddess watched as their scouts fell group by group at massacre and massacre whenever they took the perilous journey into the forest.

Through the goddess knowledge and observations, they managed to pinpoint the weaknesses of the enemy; they possessed immense strength and skills equivalent to the peak of A-rank but they lacked two crucial aspects that were common in Fordalt at determining the victors of war.

They lacked magic and numbers.

Magic was within nearly every being and where there was life, magic was always present. Utilized effectively using orthodox and unorthodox methods regardless of the two, magic was the most powerful energy they knew of.

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