Our Ultimate Plan

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After Emperor Augustus VI has been taken by Elite Androids, Valentine watch the city on fire for a few moments before leaving.

As she went to the grand hallway of the palace, she presses her neck activating a new type of communicating device.

[Ah, Valentine, your already done? I thought it will be a challenge because there were also demigods in the palace]

A familiar voice said.

"The Attack Bombers and the Elite Androids already took care of the demigods, madam Caitlyn. As for the emperor, he is now been taken. The invasion is a success, but with alot of casualties on our side"

[I am happy to hear that, but the cost you mention, casualties report?]

"We have lost 40836 Legions, 111 Android Soldiers, 52 infantry vehicles, and 10 aircrafts during in the invasion of the Aetlrus Republic. We lost over 78265 Legions, 1223 Android Soldiers, 41 infantry vehicles, and 58 aircrafts in the invasion of the Vedarun Empire. Which the total number was over 119,101 Legions, 1334 Androids, 93 infantry vehicles, and 68 aircrafts has lost. Almost 66.44% of them are either killed by high mages and demigods. And the reason we have so many casualties for the Android Soldiers was that demigod Patricia and her subordinates of the Magic corps invaded the Eternity while the ship's defenses and our machine army able to defend against them waiting for the Elites do the work"

[Hm, such a small casualty, I expect it would be more challenging. How about our new project, the Titans and the Spider Tank?]

"Not that very serious. While very effective against Knight Golems, and powerful mages, we only lost four Titans and 0 casualties for the Spider Tanks"

[I knew they are overpowered war machines, I think thats enough for the report]

"Madam Caitlyn, one question. Where is Overall Artemis? It's been more than a month since he didn't return" Valentine asks.

[Oh he will return soon, he is currently calming the fortress city he was in 2000km south of your position. The fortress city he was in is now in the Machine Empire's lands now]

"Okay, so whats the next phase? I heard theres one last phase were about to do"

[Domination. We have already conquered the capitals on both three superpowers. However, we have to also take care of the other kingdoms. There is more like hundreds of kingdoms and other less minor superpowers besides the major 3 in this continent. We only occupied 76% of the continent. While Atira is the most closest to our base, intelligence says that they may not pose a threat so we'll targeting other kingdoms which Atira is already a weakened kingdom after we nearly killed their queen. As for the other continents, they are dead during the Second Great War, which it is worthless, but the recon drones has discovered there are 12 oil fields around the four other dead continents, we made jackpot, free gold there, hehe]


Next morning its already 24-hours after the whole invasion. Just 24-hours of invading both last major superpowers of the continent for just a small period of time which makes every large armies and warlords in the world put to envy and shame.

In the main street of the city, every citizens and survivors are being captive by Legions and Android Soldiers are surrounded them to prevent them escaping. Some people try to resist but were harshly get thrown by them into the crowd, one assaulted one Legion resulting him getting excecuted.

Looking around, they are both humans and demi-humans like beastman, elves, dwarves, etc mix together, including slaves who are being captured and some were alone because their masters were either dead or separated.

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