A Storm Is Brewing

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"What do you think?" Caitlyn asked.

"Let them come to us," Artemis replied.

The two powerful monarchs of the Machine Empire were standing over a hilltop. It was way past dusk but the fires continued to rage and illuminate in the distance. The strong nightly wind blew from the north this time, signifying a slight change in the weather. It's been weeks since the last storm, it was only a matter of time before the next one arrives and extinguish the fires.

But it wasn't a normal storm. Although the Machine Empire's weather surveillance systems have not been fully activated, the instruments that have been activated are transmitting unsettling results detected from the north from which the winds were coming from.

The two of them were well aware of what was happening, there was a literal storm brewing in the horizon. Although strong storms and weather systems were more than common to experience back on Earth, the current data for the storm approaching from the north was unlike anything they've ever seen before back on Earth.

Artemis and Caitlyn were more than convinced that the storm was no ordinary storm system. The sudden evacuation of several Atira villages to the north also reinforced this presumption. Looking back, Artemis did not gain any information about unusual storms but he knows of spells that could change and control the weather.

There was still no satellite data since Artemis hasn't issued the order to do so. Moreover, the Satellite he wants to be sent up the atmosphere was to assist in military and covert operations, also he wanted it equipped with an experimental death ray. But he still has lacking materials of making it and it seems like he should have prioritized weather forecasting after all.

Caitlyn was no different to Artemis in many aspects but they differ with their goals. Artemis yearns to bring back life to the Earth and restore the planet to its prewar glory, and quite possibly restore humanity by breeding the humans inside the Utopian Territory, the promise of Utopia for qualified humans was also up on his agenda.

Caitlyn, on the other hand, had thoughts of abandoning Fordalt and seclude themselves. She could not see Artemis' logic, why rebuild an already dead planet just because a voice in your head told you so? If the voice had told him to kill himself right after he awoke from his coma, would he do it? It was frustrating but she had no choice.

Artemis gave her a bit of trust, it was the only reason keeping him from turning against her. There were no romantic feelings, Artemis didn't have the capability and Caitlyn only viewed Artemis as a friend she failed to save completely.

No matter what happened back then, before the war, after the decimation, are kept deep inside the ravines of Caitlyn's fragile memory. A human consciousness stuck in a machine and a machine stuck inside a human.

As they stood and watched, the fires continued to rage and the voices of thousands of crusaders echoed through the scorched lands. Artemis, using his night vision, used them as mere entertainment. He was fond of their hardwork in burning the forest, it gave him the impression of ants, specifically army ants.

Army ants that specified on destroying their own habitat. The scorching of the forest has damaged the ecosystem within to an astonishing extent, it was only a matter of time before it completely falls apart as the fires and the crusaders go deeper.

"Do you think they're trying to choke us out?" Caitlyn wondered and asked Artemis. She could see the yellow light from the fires reflect on Artemis' eyes. It reminded her of the past.

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