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Joan Fernandez ordered every Airship in the Air fleet to stop.

"Do you hear that sound?" She asked the captain to her right.

A thunderous sound rang in their ears, though not as loud, it still made them chill. The sound grew louder in volume and intensity and they began to hear it everywhere.

"Oh no,"

Joan and the rest of the crew began to look spastically around them in the sky, searching for whatever was causing the thunderous roars.

And then they saw the small specks in the distance. There were many of them, numbering ten to twenty from north to south, west to east.

"Metal Dragons!" The crewmates began to panic. The metal dragon that decimated a quarter of their air fleets had called its brethren and was about to eliminate them once and for all!

Joan hastily readied the mages and had the gunners ready loaded every cannons in the Destroyer. She then ordered the other captian in the other airships to made a path for the Destroyer to faced against the metal dragons, the plan was let the Percy-class Destroyer to be in the front to faced against the Metal Dragons, blast them using the Destroyer's tens of cannons and magical missiles against them.

This was a dumb move. A very dumb move that not even the dumbest of tacticians would do. You already saw one enemy had destroyed 1/5 of your Air fleets just itself, not even magic barriers that protects the airship didn't defend the airships against their missiles. The Percy-class Destroyer was a massive airship that could compare other football stadium-size airships as children. Making a passage way for the Destroyer is a pretty dumb move, because on how large the airship was, it'll make it as a easy target, airships aren't that really fast ships, they are about fast approximately to 40 to 301 miles per hour, while fast, with its huge size, it can't easily dodge a very fast projectile, that was one of the biggest weakness for large Airships like the Percy-class Destroyer.

Seeing the move she put on, Joan essentially sealed their fate. But, who can blame her? They were facing an enemy that did not fight on equal terms and thus, whatever strategy they cook up would just go to waste immediately. Even she wants to faced against them using her Demigod powers, it will risk her fellow men to get killed by her magic, it was her weakness after all.

So they just went and hoped for the best.

Most of them prayed and asked the goddess for help.

But, they no longer felt the same enthusiasm or power they once got when the goddess last blessed them. Where was she? Are all gods like this? When they face defeat, they just up and go? Leave their followers behind?

It seemed so.

These thoughts are soon forgotten as few Airships besides them exploded.

The Gunship Drones have begun their assault, unleashing a wave of missiles from all directions dealing the same powerful blast over and over again. The airships besides the Percy-class Destroyer including itself was hit the hardest, the mages desperately increasing the ship's magic barrier over and over everytime the missiles damaging the barrier, they did not expect the enemy to attack from such a distance.

Their magic were of no use, the enemy bombarded them until there was no order left. Joan Fernandez flew through the storm of missiles, she fly through the routed airships, sometimes she accidentally destroyed an unrouted airship with healthy crewmates inside.

As she flew across the battlefield in the sea of clouds, slaying few metal dragons, she looks around and realize they are loosing, she was going nowhere, she thought of charging the enemy head-on and kept slaying and let the Destroyer blast them everything from their ammunition until it runs dry would suffice and this did what she did.

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