No Longer Alone

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Thunder roared in the sky. The storm bad arrived, it was the third time this week. Out of the two other storms that came before it, the third was the least powerful of them all.

Standing in the middle of the wreckage of airships was the lone man in black who was now a changed man.

True now to his form, he was now half machine and half human, but just the mind and the heart.

Before that eventful night, the long night of pure bloodshed and agony, he was reborn. From the murderous, uncaring, stoic machine man he was, to a less murderous, a bit uncaring, still stoic man machine. 

Complicated as it may sound, there was a difference. Even if it was just a smidge. 

Artemis opened his eyes and was greeted by the field of death he had sowed. He looked around and he felt emotions he never before had felt in such a normal manner until now. 

"So this is what it feels to be happy," Artemis said. 

[The sight of dead bodies make you happy, dear?] Caitlyn said in her husband's mind. 

Artemis smiled and laughed. 

"So you really kept your promise," Artemis said. 

[Of course, dear]

"Well then, what do you suggest I do from here on out?" Artemis asked his wife. 

[Dear, all I can say is, be you, continue what you've been doing. You've built up so much and done so much, it would be a waste to abandon all of what you've done and start anew] Caitlyn said.

"Like dominating the world?" He asked.


Artemis looked around the desolate plains and looked up to the sky where the clouds were. The rain poured down from their bellies and drenched Artemis' hair.

"Okay, I'll return," Artemis said. 

[I'll be with you in whatever you decide to do] Caitlyn said. 

Artemis turned to the direction of the Fortress City which it was kilometers away, he was unaware how long he had been out but judging by the decomposition of the corpses around him. 

They were at the late stage of decomposition, rigor mortis.

"It's been a week," Artemis said as he walk towards one of the destroyed Airships and knelt down to observe the corpse of a female mage. 

[It's been 5 days dear, the simulation I put you in was slower than time in the real world] Caitlyn said. 

"Huh, none of them decided to check on me?" Artemis was a bit disappointed. 

[Dear, you literally went on doomslayer mode. Even tourist loyal of subordinates would become afraid to approach you seeing how you dealt with an entire army alone] Caitlyn said.

"You're.. right, well, time to walk back and hope that they'd still accept my authority," Artemis said before he began his journey back to the Fortress City.

When he ran, he traversed the distance of  12 kilometers in just less than 1 minute. Blazingly fast letting some corpses of imperial soldiers blown away by the shockwaves of his speed but he avoids going full speed or else he'll destroyed the environment around him and since he was just going to walk back to avoid spooking the garrison, 

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