Aurora's Plight

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Aurora was stuck in a void inside her mind. The everlasting breeze connected to one's psyche touched her skin and moved elegantly. She saw nothing but a void, devoid of color or light. Without light, there is no color and without light, there can be no darkness, only a void. A bottomless pit was her mind, blinded by her aspirations to know the secrets to magic.

She was the one who introduced dark magic to the sect. She knew this well, she knew the demons were her fault and she knew that her sins will perform retribution upon her like a gauntlet. In the void, she did not float, in actuality, she was being pulled down.

Her naked feet touched what could be described as the ground. She saw a faint splash appear after she landed. It felt like she was stepping on a puddle of water. She then strode through the void, she acted like a child.

She felt peace, something she never again experienced the day she took on the vow to serve the God of Death. The God of Death, a once ethereal and benevolent deity whose vision and mission was corrupted by the temptations of magic. A temptation he passed on to his most loyal follower, Aurora The Sorcerer.

In the world of magic, there was the universally accepted 'mage' they were the backbone of the magical community of the continent, led by either a Demigod or a religious authority figure. But, there were also outcasts, scorned individuals who have fallen to the ill-will and temptation of magic. These were the sorcerers and witches.

A sorcerer was a person who had taken upon themselves the wishes of the deity they follow and worship to explore and gain ever more magical power. With the help of their masters, they gain immense magical power in only a short amount of time. Although these persons are powerful and can even outmatch those of the powerful Demigods, they were restricted by the blood pact they form with the deity.

And thus, if they stray from what was ordered or agreed upon by their deity, they will die. And so, they tend to be more conservative and secretive.

Witches, yes, unlike the sorcerers, witches are only limited to the female denizens. They do not form a blood pact with any deity nor do they serve any master but they have the same will of a sorcerer. They explore the land to learn more about magic, the more they learn, they are further enamored and corrupted by the alluring power.

Without anyone to guide them, they stray from the path of righteousness amd often commit acts of malevolence. Over the history of Fordalt, after the continent eventually settled after the Second Great War, these witches ran amok. Massacre after massacre, they would leave a trail of blood behind whenever someone stood in their way, even if those they killed did not even realize that they were blocking the path.

Eventually, a combined effort of sorcerers, Demigods, and archmages eliminated the witches, massacring them by the thousands before eventually, they went into hiding. Ever since then, mages, sorcerers, and witches have been caught in a silent struggle and so far, the mages are on top.

Aurora was one of those sorcerers after she formed a blood pact with the God of Death a hundred years ago when she was on the brink of death, she was never the same. She inherited the will of her deity, a cursed will.

The void in which she now was walking upon, reflected how blind she has been. How, after all these years of searching for the true nature and reason for magic has made her devoid of any self-satisfaction or will of her own. Under the control of a deity who sought to overthrow the very foundations of heaven, she was a lost cause.

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