Chapter 35

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Jungkook did not know that Dr. Li Yunjing had visited Lisa, and Lisa did not mention this matter with Jungkook, because whether Dr. Li had found her or not, Lisa would always stay with Jungkook.

Love it is a very strange feeling, it is possible that you will not like anyone in your life, but it is so sudden when it comes, and Lisa is lucky to like her husband.

"Wait for this weekend we will buy a car." Jungkook felt distressed about his wife's taxi to work every day.

"But every time I can't get a taxi, you will come to pick me up." Lisa smiled, "I like that."

"Daughter-in-law ..." Young Jungkook understands excitedly and wants to kiss Lisa.

"I'm going to be late, see you at night." Lisa deliberately stepped back two steps away from the gentle kiss of the man, seeing Jungkook 's depressed expression, and turned away with a smile.

It wasn't until Lisa's back disappeared in the Hutong mouth that Jungkook took back his eyes and returned to the house and said to Jae who was playing puzzles: "Jae, go out with dad today."

Jae raised his head in doubt.

"Go to see Dad's friend."

According to the address given by Dayou, Jungkook drove more than an hour to find a village in the city. The village was filled with a smell of garbage dump, and the driveway was also very narrow. The car almost drove up to two speeds until Right at the door of the rental house.

It was a bungalow with three or four rooms in it. The house was old, and the front and back were two or three floors of civil buildings. This small bungalow was squeezed in the middle, and there was no sunlight no matter how soon or late.

Jungkook stood at the gate holding Jae, his face ugly and dying, and finally Jungkook couldn't help it.

"Close your eyes."

Waiting for Jae to close her eyes obediently, Jungkook kicked over the temporary stove in the narrow yard and turned her head around. This was not fun, looking at the clothesline that could not be seen at all , Young Master Jeon also wanted to break off in the past.

"Who?" Suddenly a murky voice came from the middle room, and a pale man pushed the door and walked out.

The whistle's job is to look at the door of a nearby construction site, and they all work at night, so he sleeps at home during the day. When he is sleepy, he suddenly hears there is movement in the yard. Feeling unhappy, I saw a tall man in the yard standing with his back on his back, still holding a child in his arms.

The whistle slightly suppressed the anger on the child's face and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

Jungkook turned frankly, his eyes full of anger.

"Captain?" The whistle woke up in a sleepy startle.

"What the **** is this place you live in?" In front of the whistle, Young Master Jeon kicked off a chair in the yard again, and then walked to the table not far away.

The whistle found that, according to the posture of the captain, the several furniture that the big right finally picked up could not be damaged by the captain. As a scout with more brains in the team, the whistle excitedly persuaded: "Captain, be careful to scare children."

Young Master Jeon, who had lifted his feet, hesitated for two seconds, and sighed in a halt when he split the table in half with one foot. First glared at the whistle, and then said softly to Jae: "You can open your eyes."

Jae opened his eyes cleverly and looked at his father quietly as if waiting for an explanation.

"It just thundered," Jungkook explained.

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