First day of school.

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Jack spent the evening meditating, softly trying to sync his memories with Cole's so that he wouldn't look like a total idiot on his first day of school. He learned a lot about Cole's life and aspirations. There was a lot that he wished he could do but was never brave enough to try. He learned about the bullies and friends, his favorite subjects, things that he liked. In many ways he was like was a lot like Wintercrest, they were all secluded. Jack was invisible, Wintercrest hid away from the crowds at parties, and Cole wore black clothes and hid his face behind his hair to hide within the crowd.

Jack wanted to help him, but first he would have to find Elsa. There was still a bigger picture here and Jack needed Cole to understand.

** ** **

Jack settled on spending the day as Cole would have. He dressed in black clothes wore the black earrings, but there was no way he was painting his nails, that was where he drew the line. He grabbed his backpack, wallet, and keys while texting his friends that he was on his way.

Sent: Jaques, GusGus, Zie(BFF)

-On my way.

Jack kissed his mother on the cheek as he walked out the door, "Love you, I am off to School." Jack rushed out to his car. Jack's mom was startled by her sons unusual sign of affection while she was eating breakfast, even Jack's father did a double take to make sure that it had actually happened.

Jack picked up Jaq and Gus first. Their families each had an apartment in the same apartment complex on the way to Zie's house. Both Jaq and Gus expressed their gratefulness in seeing Cole alive and well. When they pulled up to Zie's house Jack pulled out his phone and started to text her, but he was still not adjusted to texting. It had taken him five minutes to figure out how to send a group text and type 'On my way' to his friends. While Jack was Fiddling with his phone trying to figure out how to send the group text earlier, the door on the passenger side opened and someone got in the car, Before Jack could look to see who it was some the person who got in the car threw her dainty arms around Jack and embraced him.

"I am so glad you are ok, Cole. You had me worried." The women's voice was sweet and soft.

The smooth skin and the kind words took Jack back to the first time he had experienced hugs. Elsa's scent came rushing back to him, and in a moment of pure bliss he rested his head against the girl's in the car, during their awkward sideways car hug, and rested his hand on hers. He also remembered how happy he was when Elsa said yes to his marriage proposal. Happiness washed over him and an unconscious smile stole his cheeks.

When the girl finally released him, he turned to look at her, in an instant Jack's dopey smile turned to fright as he starred into the face of a woman dressed like a demon.

"AAAHHH," Jack jumped, his hand caught the door handle and accidently opened it, "Whoa, Frostbite," Jack fell out the door of his own car. "Ow," Jack rubbed his head since it happened to hit the black top first. He looked up to see the hue of Zie's face turning red from either embarrassment or anger, he could not guess which, but he knew it couldn't be good. Jaq and Gus had begun laughing uncontrollably. Zie opened the door and ran around the car to make sure Jack wasn't hurt too bad.

"Cole are you-?" she cut off as she began to giggle. "I didn't know changing my hair color would surprise you that much." She helped Jack rise to his feet. When he got a good look at her, he couldn't for the life of himself remember what color it had been, but it was now powder pink and spiked just so slightly.

"Sorry," Jack said embarrassed at yelling, and falling out of the car, but he was glad that she wasn't mad.

"It's is alright but next time you scream like that I won't go easy on you." Zie joked as she walked back around the car to get back into her seat.

** ** **

Jack's first class was creative writing, he said goodbye to his friends and went to his class. Mrs. Jane Porter taught the Creative writing class, her husband Mr. Tarzan Porter taught Zoology. His class was across the hall from the special needs classroom and he enjoyed spending as much time in there as possible helping Mrs. Potts who taught it.

The desks in Mrs. Porters Classroom were set up in columns and in pairs. The person next to you would be your critic and your editor, luckily Jack remembered his seat before he wandered around the classroom too long. Jack sat down next to a pretty girl with fair skin and wild red hair that she had tied into a loose ponytail. She had one stray curl that hung in front of her face in the cutest way. She looked up at Jack with a bored I-am-just-waiting-for-high-school-to-be-over face.

"Hey, Cole." She greeted before letting out a yawn. Jack recognized her as the Scottish princess from the Ball while he was in France.

"Hey, uh-" Jack tried to greet her but realized that he hadn't remembered if he had even gotten her name.


"Ya, it is still early." Jack tried to shrug it off as Merida yawned again.

"I know how you feel, I was up all night doing Mr. Hook's crazy math homework. I shouldn't have waited until the last minute to do it." Merida slumped and rested her head on the desk. The bell rang, and Mrs. Porter stayed at her desk and called out the students names. After a few names he heard his own.

"Deaux, Cole."

"Here," Jack responded remembering that this worlds Jack almost exclusive went by Cole, he heard a soft snore from Merida.

"DunBroch, Merida,"

He prodded her with his elbow to get her attention.

"Is Merida here?"

Merida heard her name through her tired haze, "Oy!" The teacher nodded and continued to call role, Merida wiped her face to make sure that she hadn't been drooling. "Thanks," she whispered, trying to jar herself from her sleepiness.

Jack smiled, he hadn't realized how pretty she was, he hadn't realized how pretty all the girls here were. He had spent so much time with Elsa he hadn't even considered other girls. At the same time when he was in his own body Elsa had been the only girl, or person for that matter, who he had spent any real time around. Merida noticed him starring and smiled playfully; she kicked his foot and motioned toward the front of the class with her head. Jack watched as the luscious curls bounced against the ponytail. Jack looked back at the front and realized that the teacher was talking. He had to keep flipping his hair by turning his head quickly to keep it out of his face so that he could see. Oh, how he was beginning to hate his long hair.

"Today we start our unit on poetry, for this class I want you all to pull out a piece of paper and write some poetry. At the end of the unit, after we have learned about what poetry is, where the many forms come from, and how to write it, we will compare this assignment your last one at the end of this unit." Mrs. Porter looked at the class. "Remember, even though we will be looking at these again it doesn't mean to make them bad on purpose. I have had students who have written beautiful poetry before they even knew they were doing it. Pour your souls into this assignment; you will have all class to work on it. Write as many as possible, rewrite the same one until it is perfect, whatever. Write about something you are passionate about, make it as short or as long as you want, Rhyme or don't, it is up to you. You may begin. You may ask your neighbor for input but keep the chatter to a minimum."

Mrs. Porter walked back to her desk. "If you have any questions, I will be at my desk grading papers."

The class pulled paper and pencils from their bags, whispers of borrowing was taking place, a few giggles and hushed comments filled the classroom air. A student or two asked Mrs. Porter for help, asking for clarification or ideas for topics.

Jack knew exactly what he was going to write about, he would write about Elsa, His Elsa, when it really came to his feelings about her, she was more than just a girl: she was the one that had saved him from centuries of loneliness. Jack put his pen to his paper and started writing. The words flowed like a river, the sentences read like silk, smooth and easy. His memories and his love for her overcame him. He was somewhat surprised to see his feelings written down on paper, but he could not deny the truth: That regardless of the beauty of the girls around him, he had fallen deeply in love... with her.

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