Let it go

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It had been a month since the ice forest, and in that month, Elsa flourished. Jack taught her everything he knew from animating bunnies, to creating statues. Elsa was a natural. She grasped everything Jack taught her with pure talent. More than, that she was finally having fun. They had hit it off. Jack finally had his friend, and Elsa had someone who wasn't afraid of her powers, in fact. He admired them. For once in her life she didn't think of her powers as a flaw, Jack had made her see how beautiful they were. She finally felt beautiful and not like some kind of monster waiting to hurt people.

Jack started catching himself staring at Elsa. She wasn't as boring-looking anymore. She still wore her hair in a bun and acted sophisticated, but she now had a glow to her. It wasn't a physical light, she wasn't a glow stick, but the way she smiled and giggled, it started to change him. It was as if his own heart was melting from the centuries of isolation. He was so happy to have someone who understood what it was like to be alone, someone to be alone with him so that they didn't feel alone together.

Elsa also caught herself staring at Jack. He was still a miracle. He had turned her from this monster she was afraid to be into an actual Princess. She never felt more free, or more beautiful. She felt like that day when he had turned an entire battlefield into a forest with a flock of frozen butterflies. Like the moment he tapped her with the flower, he had turned her into a butterfly ready to make the world a miraculous place. Of course, she knew it wasn't the rose itself, it was the fact that he came back. He always came back, no matter how hard the training was or how mad she got, he was always there. He was always so funny, and restless. Never once did he say she couldn't do it, in fact, he always had high expectations of her and she always strove to meet them.

Jack felt himself drawn to her. He didn't think that he was in love. He didn't know what love was or what it meant to be in love. Plus, she was still too uptight for him, maybe. However, something about her uptight nature made him want to be better, more disciplined, and smarter. Because she was everything he wasn't: smart, talented, dedicated, sophisticated, and good. He couldn't help but feel inadequate compared to her. Things that took him years to master, she was picking up in days at a time.

Tonight Jack was going to put all of that knowledge to the test. They went up to a mountaintop where Elsa was going to show off what she had learned, all at once, on a clean slate.

"You may want to stand back for this one," Elsa said as she took off her cape.

"Ok, let's see it." Jack leaned against his staff.

"It just feels nice to-"

"Let it go?"

"That's my line, you know."

"Well go on..." Jack gave her another one of his winning smiles.

Elsa let it go. Her powers unfurled in the most real of senses. As Jack watched her, he remembered his first day, and all the ways he had learned to use his powers on his own.

Elsa started with a snowman, and then created wisps of snow that spiraled and danced in the air. She looked at Jack and he gave her a nod. That moment was priceless, as her smile finally broke the chains of restraint she had in her demeanor for so long. She giggled in the way only she could, and ran for the mountain. When she met a gorge, she conjured snow covered stairs, but when she stepped on them they magically finished themselves into flawless ice sculpted stairs and railing.

At the end of the stairs, she stomped on the ground and created a floor that soon lifted off the ground. With the powerful sweeping motions of her arms, walls started sculpting themselves out of nowhere. Jack flew into the castle as she built it and spun around the room a few times. A chandelier sprang from the ceiling in snowflake patterns.

Jack watched as Elsa worked her magic. She was truly blossoming. She gave Jack a wink and released her hair from its cumbersome bun into an alluring braid like a waterfall of sunlight. Waves of ice turned her once modest winter clothes into a sparkling light blue evening dress with a brand new cape and shoes to accent her new look.

Jacks jaw dropped like a load of stones as his boring best friend turned into a confident beautiful woman. She walked out to the balcony she created that overlooked the mountains. The sun was rising and the light hit the ice castle in all the right ways.

Jack just couldn't stand Elsa's transformation. One minute she was an uptight, shy Princess and the next she was a confident gorgeous Woman. His body moved on its own as he approached the balcony where she was looking out at the sunrise.

Elsa couldn't face Jack. She was too nervous. Maybe she failed? What if it wasn't big or fancy enough? She felt Jacks arms wrap around her from behind. She would never tell him, but his warm hugs always melted her.

"Beautiful," was the only thing Jack could say.

Elsa blushed. He liked it. That was good enough for her. Jack was talking about her beauty not the castle's. She was the rose that finally blossomed.

Thanks to all my readers as long as you keep reading I'll keep reading because you are my inspiration as much as anything else. :D

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