Chapter 58

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Today's Matt, Liz, Jimmy and I are going to my grandparents for dinner with my family. Jimmy's met my mom before but he hasn't met any other beside my Aunt Christiana. Matt was picking us up around 3:30, it was 1 now so we had some time.

"Jaimie I'm bored," Jimmy said.

"I have stuff to make cookies, we can make cookies and bring them over," I offered.

"YESSSS," Jimmy yelled and jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen like a kid on Christmas.

"Jimmy can you get the flour I can't reach it,"I asked. Once we got all the ingredients we started.

Jimmy wanted to try and make the dough by himself so right now he was mixing everything.

"Why doesn't this look right," Jimmy asked. I looked at the batter and started laughing.

"Jimmy did you put in flour," I asked while giggling.

"Ohhhh," he said. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Its not funny," Jimmy said.

"Yea it kinda is," I said then I ended up with flour all over me and Jimmy was laughing so hard. I grabbed flour and threw some on him. It turned into a huge flour fight and in the end we had to go upstairs and clean up before continuing making cookies.

I put the last batch in the oven. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3:00.

"Jimmy are you ready Matt is going to be here in a half an hour," I asked.

"Yea I'm ready," he replied.

"Hi Aunt Holly, Uncle John," I said when I walked inside.

"Aunt holly and uncle john this is Jimmy my boyfriend," I said and they talked while I went over and talked to my mom and grandparents. Soon after Jimmy came over and I introduced him to my grandparents, and his already met my mom, and Aunt Christiania.

"So Jimmy, you play on Central F.C. right," Uncle John asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Do you watch any soccer," Jimmy asked. I went into the kitchen to help with dinner while the boys were talking about sports.

"Mom what can I do," I asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"Yea if you want you and Jimmy or you and Liz could husk the corn," my grandma said.

"Okay Liz want to go out back, maybe the boys will help," I said.

"Haha if we can get them off the couch," she said jokingly as we walked into the living room.

"Hey Matt and Jimmy do you want to help us hush the corn," I asked. They nodded and got up and joined us outside.

"So Jimmy, Liz are you having fun," Matt asked when we got

"Yea your family's nice," they agreed.
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