:/ #67

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It was almost 7 o'clock, and you were on your way to Bakugou's house. The two of you had been texting a little earlier when things took a bit of a turn. In a very unholy way. 
To say that you were turned on would be an understatement. 

You quickly hurried towards your front door to change your shoes, when you heard your father call out to you. 
You sighed. 'I already know getting kidnapped was my fault. I really don't need this right now.' You thought as you turned to look at your dad. However, when you saw his face, it didn't look cross but like it was full of guilt. It almost looked like he might have been crying, or he wanted to. 

The two of you stood there, looking at each other, unsure of what to say. After about 30 seconds of silence, you're dad asked, "Can we-... go outside and talk?" He choked up on his words. 

Your first instinct was to say no and head over to Bakugou's house. But the look on his face made you think there was something more to this conversation than whatever you were thinking. 
You sighed and agreed. 

The two of you stepped out onto the front porch and sat on the steps. You sat in silence again as your dad tried to find a way to put into words how he was feeling, and what he wanted to say. He was never good with words unless he was putting someone down. 
So expressing how he was feeling towards his daughter at this moment was quite difficult for him. 

After a little while, you started to get restless, and bored. Since you didn't need to know how much you fucked up and how everything was your fault, since you already thought that, you started to not want to hear what he had to say. Eventually, you groaned and stood up. 

You explained, "Look I have things to do. If you won't say anything, I'm not just gonna sit here and wait for you to-" but he cut you off. 

"I'm sorry." His voice was almost demanding but soft. As if it slipped from his lips without his permission, but he also wanted to say it. 

Your eyes widened, as you turned your head to look at him. However, he couldn't take his eyes off the ground. As if looking at you would break him down. 

You were confused. That was the first time in your life he- no, anyone had ever apologized to you. For things he did, for things anyone else did. No one had ever apologized. What were you supposed to do in this situation? You didn't know. You just stood there in silence and shock. 

He sighed and stood up. Then finally he said more than 2 words. "I'm sorry about everything I've done to you. Everything I said. For not being a good dad. During the trial, when your mother said all those things I just-" He choked on his words. "It hit me how horribly I was treating you. And you didn't deserve it. I thought by signing you over to her it would make your life better, but in reality, it only made things worse." 

You sat down on the steps, not taking your eyes off what he was saying. 

Your dad took your silence as a queue to continue. "I wish I could take it back but there is no way to do that." He turned and finally looked at you. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" 

You stared at him, unsure of what to do or even say. Then something hit you. 

Your face fell slightly to show more of a numb expression as you looked forward. You stayed quiet for a moment, then finally spoke. "This is the porch." 
Your dad's face filled with confusion, which lead you to explain further. "This is the porch that I sat on." 

The moment you finished your sentence, he realized what you were talking about, and his face fell, filling with even more guilt. 
But you needed to explain it further for him to understand how you felt in that moment. 

"I was five years old. We had just gotten back from my appointment, and mom and B/N were nowhere to be found." You felt tears start to build up inside you, but you refused to let them fall. "You were so angry, you picked me up, dropped me out here, and slammed the door closed, locking it behind you. I begged for you to let me back in, but you didn't answer." At this point, it was harder for you to keep your tears back. "3 hours." 
You turned your head to look at him. He had a few tears falling down his face, and again, he only looked at the ground. As if looking at you would make him explode. But his face wasn't enough to make you stop. 
"You left me out here for 3 hours. Scared, cold, confused. All I knew was that mom and B/N were gone, and you were angry. You made me feel like it was my fault. Thankfully Mitsuki drove by, otherwise, I would have been out there for 3 days!" You started to lose control and let your emotions take over your body. You stood up and made your whole body face him. "That is when you finally decided to leave the house and come back to get me." His silence only fueled your anger. "Do you have anything to say?" 

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. You sighed a chuckle and shook your head. You stood up and started to walk away, without saying anything else, but you were stopped when he apologized again. This time, you didn't turn around to face him. 

He stepped towards you and continued to speak. "I'm sorry. Ok? I was- angry. I thought it would be easier to blame you than admit that it was actually my fault. I thought if I could say you were the reason she left, maybe it would be easier to handle, but it only made things worse. After a few years, I realized that it wasn't you. And I wanted to change, stop it all from happening. But every time I tried, I would feel the anger building up again, and I-" He choked on his words, and looked away. 
He took a breath before continuing. "Then, she said all of those things, the things that you told her, and I realized, I couldn't be mad at you for something that wasn't your fault. God, none of this was your fault. Your mother, Camino." 

Your eyes widened. 'It's- not?' The one person you thought would say it was, the person you assumed would blame you for everything that happened. 'He thinks it's not-' You did your best to process it but it was difficult. 

But that didn't stop him from continuing. "If I could take everything back, believe me, I would. There just- please tell me there is something I can do. I want to make it up to you. Wh-what can I do?"

You replayed everything he said in your head, masking all of the things he did to you in the past. After about a minute of overthinking what he said, you sighed. "I-" You tried to find the right words to use, but it was difficult. "I don't know what you can do." You heard him breathe a breath of despair. "But-" You turned your head to look at him and smiled slightly. "It is nice to know that you want to try." His face lit up a little, as your smile grew slightly. 

He nodded and you shrugged a little. Then you turned back and walked away from your house to Bakugou's. 

While walking, there was only one thing that came to your mind. 'Holy fuck.' 

Words: 1329
Hey guys. So sorry this took a while to get out. I'm trying to get some kind of schedule that works for me. I might have found something. But I will see what happens. Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter than normal. I don't really know why, but it is. 
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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