Chapter 17

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A/N: I wanna take things fast so don't be surprised. Anyways, have you guys eaten?--

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Things between Nayeon and Jeongyeon have been stabilized since then. At some point, I'm getting news that there is no recent help, which is why I stopped showing up and went straight home unannounced. It has been two days since then and I never came back to the club.

I might felt bad for always not in the presence because here's why: What if they miss my charismatic face? That could be, right? Lol.

Opening the door, Sana was the only person I had seen. Her eyes sprung with enthusiasm as she stood from her seat. "Y/N!"

Just now... she was looking very lonely.

"Yo, miss me?" I ask with sarcasm while I pull the door close.

"There is always one way to know for sure... can you leave again?" Surprised by her words I didn't expect her to say, I went stoned like a statue and squinted my hands before pushing the door open.

"No, no! I'm kidding! Don't leave!" Sana held my sleeves on my uniform quick and I sigh.

"You sure know how to catch me off guard..."

There is something about her demeanor that gave me an odd feeling, and she replied with a smile that looked so forced and fake. "Mhm, did that change your impression on me?"

Looking around, the sofa and the table seem quiet. "Where's Momo and Mina? Not here?"

"They're too busy with their other clubs. They were like this yesterday too," She explains.

"No helps, so far?"

"...Nope," Sana was hesitant to answer.

"Okay," I turned to face the door.

"Where are you going? Going home again?"

"I'm just going to check on them,"

"Huh? Check on them... their clubs?"

"Yeah, wouldn't hurt to just watch," I say and she cocked her head in confusion.

"Want me to come with you?" The words had brought me to halt and I move my head to her as I whisper coldly.

"No, I can go by myself." The rejection made her feel awkward and shamed so she remains quiet.

"Okay... will you come back?"

"Of course not, I'm going straight home. Club has no good activities so I can relax,"

For some reason, the tone of my voice carried a power that was difficult to make conversation. "Okay, take care. I'll inform you once we have helped also, we never got the chance to tell you this but..."

"Hm?" I look at her one last time.

"Thank you for joining the Helper's Club,"

Without a word, I rolled my eyes and released a mischievous scoff before leaving.

What a mess. 'Till this day, I still can't believe I joined a ridiculous social service to people I despise. What's worse, I don't understand why I found myself working up for no reason.

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