Chapter 37

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It was as if the time had stopped.

I am left with no other option. That's why I'm going to act "Villain" ... for the sake of her.

"Nako.. you really need to stop itching people for attention. Not all worth your time and quit whining when no one's giving you attention. I don't know what the hell's your problem but I understand why no one in your class wants to hang out with you,"

"N-no... I'mー I'm just!" Her voice cracked but I doubt she had a word to say about herself.

"And you're so proud how everyone in your class is boring, yet you can't even live for yourself. What makes you think you're different from them? Independent? Not really, you're just a sick pick me girl, trying so hard to get attention,"

Not even a stammer left from Nako's mouth but only a gasped for air. Her eyes began to water and lips shivered at the statement I've said.

"You're such a plague, don't you know? Have you reallly reflected the words you've said to your classmates? Boring? Petty? Hmp, you're obviously trying to exonerate yourself from peers like it's a shameless sin. Throwing other people to criticize them doesn't make you a worthy one," Everything I've said so far came from my perspective on Nako's personality. I was expecting even worst, but I'm prepared.

Nako's face turned pale and later she softly whimpers. That should do it for now. I didn't want to speak anymore and the air replaced a loud creak at the door.

"That's enough!" Sana reprimands.

Nako cried. She could no longer bare the pain in the chest and poured tears down her face. I was a little overwhelmed seeing that, maybe I had gone too far. Her shoulders trembled as she immediately turned to the door and pass through Sana and Momo.

"Nako chan!" Sana calls in concerned but Nako didn't look back. Then, she chased after her before something terrible happens to her.

As they left, Momo took her steps towards me and hardened her fist. "Have you lost your mind...?"

Yep, I get that a lot. Doesn't bother me though.

However, there's something serious welled in Momo's heart. "Probably." I answer normally.

"Nako really likes you... She looks up to you... She did her best! Yet, WHY CAN YOU NEVER CONSIDER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS MORE?!" Momo faintly yells and my breath got caught up when she grabbed my collar, not that strong and tight.

"Why is hurting people the only thing you do? I don't understand!!" Her grip is so loud that I almost heard my uniform teared up. "I think of you so differently and highly... I hate... how you make Nako cry! You're not even guilty!!"

Unable to face her head-on, I just let Momo have her way and rant the shit out of me but.. what I didn't expect is that her tears coming out of her eyes. What was there to cry about?

Why does she care about Nako's feelings? Am I missing something? Or is it...

"...Why are you like this, Y/N?" I barely realized that Momo was near to my distance when she grabbed ahold of me. Just an inch apart, she looked down while her hands on my shirt fell weak.

"Are you that difficult... to catch up? Are you that difficult to reach out to...?! DO YOU... Do you really dislike... human that much?" Every time Momo speaks, her voice disappeared at the end and faintly sobs. The trembling voice kept me from arguing with her.

At this distance, one more move and I could get into physical contact with her but I looked away. Momo isn't the least bit joking now. But if I say something to defend myself, that simply means I'm just laying excuses and my responsibility for what I've done. How awful.

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