Chapter 24

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A/N: Waahhh, I wonder which of three y/n is gonna choose to love? 🤔 How's everyone?!

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When I was in middle school, no one doesn't want to be my friends. The idea of having a young mother is problematically abnormal.

People will judge you for it.

Your Mom's a slut was vandalized on the back of my chair.

One time, during PE period, we changed our uniform and asked to do exercise when we've arrived the school ground.

"Hey, hey, isn't it crazy? My Mom is really old,"

"My Mom is in middle age but she's still pretty and smart!"

"Yeah, I know right? My sister is twenty seven years old?"

"What? Isn't that~? Y/N's Mother's age?"

"Really? Did Y/N's mother have sex early with a guy?"

"What a bitchy slut!"

"Dirty hoe! Better to stay away from Y/N,"

Why is it that people never thinks rationally? I am a human. I have feelings and I never fight, or hurt people. Why do they treat me as if I'm not one of them?

I'm not a monster.

I'm not a trash.

Yet... why?! Why don't people treat me and my Mom like human?!

I approached my classmate who talked worse about Mom, "Hey... SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Losing self control, I throw a hard fist to one of them and was planning to punch another guy, but the person who was blown away by my fist fell on the ground and I keep punching him, seizing his collar.

"Don't say anything about my Mom! If you've got a problem with us, just leave us alone!! I'LL KILL YOU!!"

Despite all I did was just defending my Mom, I was still called out for a violent behavior. My wild rage caused a ruckus and attention to the school.

The teacher broke us apart, pinching both of our ears and yells. "OFFICE, NOW!!"

Back then, I didn't know what humans are. I didn't know whether they are good or bad. All I know is that, embarrassing to admit, but I'm one of this term 'Human'.

The teacher took us to the principal's office, and called our parents.

The boy I punched brought his Mom and Dad, and I only brought Mom.

"Your kid punched our son. How disrespectful and misbehaved, could you be? Don't you teach your kid some manners?" His Mom says to us.

"Sorry... I'm very... very sorry on behalf of my child... I promise it will not happen again,"

"Kneel to me, you filthy woman. Show me that you mean it," His Dad demanded her as if he's the boss. My Mom was terrified of him, and the Principal, even the teacher didn't do anything about it.

"You...!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU AREー" My voice strained, but my Mom hugged me and I was cut off.

"A young lady like you should do what you're told," My Mom was treated like a dirty slave.

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