Chapter 33

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A/N: Yall words are so kind and appreciative! I am really grateful for your support. I'm incredibly thankful! It's because of all of you that I've been able to continue writing this<3

Thank you so much, I hope you'll stick with me till the very end of the story!

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At some point, I've no idea why Miss Bae called me in her faculty room.

Someone probably hit the report and the whole situation was recapped to me. Miss Bae's presence in the faculty room was powerful enough to make the person go on full polite manners, but not for me.

Not in the least bit I'm scared of this woman. I am not a simp, though I admit she's pretty.

"Things sure is interesting lately, Y/N," It had taken me a few moments to realize how much showy expressions she gave. Her legs crossed and something is different with her top. It was unbuttoned, I could nearly see I shouldn't see and thankfully my eyes didn't look that way. I mean, I did look but not really, okay?

"Saem, should you fix yourself?" I ask, gazing away.

"It's hot in here, 'kay? Don't tell me what to do," What kind of reason is that? It's almost winter, doesn't mean you have to show me some of your parts though.

"Got anything else to say? If not, can I go?"

"You're as salty as usual, huh? You never try to change," Miss Bae sighs.

"I never intended to." I answer. "I love my life, why would I change?" With a smirk, I heard a solid, cringe reaction from Miss Bae.

"I assumed this is because of your progress in the Helper's club," Out of the corner of my eyes, Miss Bae poured a hot water into her mug and froze. Putting her hands on the lap, she anticipated more than ever as something just hit me when the question was revealed.

"Found someone who can replace me?" Well, I don't find any good reason to go miserable and dramatic over shit just because I'm just a temporary members.

I admit the whole moment was fun and I have learned more than one, but things don't lasts forever and nobody can change that fate.

"It's so hard to understand you, Y/N," Miss Bae sighed at my dead expression.

"Don't try to. I'm not worthy of your time,"

As I moved my head to the right, Miss Bae was holding her own glass of mug in her right hand while the other hand held a paper form. "Tell me, do you know Bang Chan?"

When the name was mentioned, my eyes fires and narrowed madly. "Maybe."

"I know you have a history with him," She leans her back onto the chair.

"Probably." My answers were dry, it just means that I have no energy for this type of conversation.

"Whaddya think if he replaces you? He's from B Class apparently. He tries out all the clubs and approach me that he wants to give the Helper's Club a try," Please, can I leave now?

"Who knows."

Miss Bae sighs, already fed up with my boring replies. "Give me a proper answer, kid,"

"If you let me be free, I will,"

"Sheesh, fine. You can go now," At that sign, I feel my heart lightens up as I turn around but my mouth opens and say.

"Saem, I admire how you are helping me with my goal, me leaving the club," I mumble in my low voice.

Miss Bae, uninterested, puts a hand in her cheek and responds. "Yeah? I'm the advisor of the club, it's my duty to help,"

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