Chapter 40

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A/N: Wow, we're at chapter 40 already wkswj so anyways! Hello guys! vvv
Try commenting down anything and I'll say a word about you! uwu wanna try talking to my readers in a while!
But anyways, feel free to skip and read :D

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Myoui Mina, standing there in front of the fish tank aquarium was like an aesthetic picture I have captured in my eyes.

"So pretty, isn't it?" Mina says. The fish tank she was desirously gazing was a redtail black shark. Their size is between four to six inches, which means that this fish has been properly taken care of. The body was deep black and a scarlet red tail, just as it was named.

When Mina said that, she didn't noticed that I was looking at her. "It is."

"Hey, Y/N..." Mina's voice sounded really soft. I am awfully relaxed at her tone. "How's your progress with your studies?" She asks whilst staring at the fish.

"I'm a type of person that prefers average," I answer bluntly and Mina chuckles.

"Hehe, is that so?"

"Uh... what about Sana and Momo? I heard... they don't have that good grades previously-"

"If you're worried about them, don't sweat it. I will teach them all night today." Mina says.

"Then, could it be... they know that we're out together?" I ask, a little bit nervous.

"I assumed not," Mina answers and I sighed in relief.

"Well, good luck later. Make sure not to do anything suspicious with them," I joke.

"Wow, that's awfully disgusting coming from you. You're sickening me. Who in their right mind would think I'd do suspicious things to my best friends?" Mina gave me a hopeless gaze.

"That's just a joke... don't take it badly..." My eyes looks away nervously at her demeanor.

"I'm not partially convinced with that dead eyes of yours," Mina turned to face me.

"In the world, full of hopes, I'm hopeless. I'm unique and cute," I praise.

"Your overconfidence is enough to creep me out. It's totally uncalled for," She sighs.

I am quite satisfied that Mina and I were still able to talk chaotically as usual. I thought things have changed but thank god it didn't.

Truthfully speaking, I've never been out with a girl before. This is my first time. I'm not sure what to do, or how I should impress them. My thoughts was pressuring me the whole time, which resulted to me losing my act and cool.

However, as an actual loner or introvert, I've spent my entire time reading comics, novel, or watch dramas that is similar my situation with Mina.

They call this "date" or "detour".

This leads them to a whole different level and develop feelings.

However... *smirk*

I'm such a material person. I know perfectly for sure that romantic comedy do not happen in real life. Never. Even though I'm hanging out with the most beautiful girl in our school, I wouldn't go as far as to calling it as date.

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