𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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I jog down the sidewalk with one hand clasping my bag, making turns left and right, checking now and then if anybody's following me. I make the final turn to the right and arrive at my destination.

Birds were chirping, the smell of grass was present, and a few animals were around. Some were eating, playing, or resting. I take a few steps towards the middle of the forest and welcome the animals to come towards me. I put my bag in a small entrance in an oak tree and started my training. I run through the forest several times, exiting with a small bead of sweat trickling down my cheek.

After that, I work on my quirk. It's painful for me to do this, it hurts me to see what I can do, but this is the only way I can improve my training. Not on humans, but rather animals.

I sit down on the dry grass and inhale a deep breath. A small brown bunny with brown eyes hops over to me, it stares at me and I stare back maintaining eye contact. Black puffs of smoke surround the two of us before vanishing. For the past few months I've been working on how to freeze them in a short amount of time, being around 2 seconds, my eyes twitch. It's frozen, I look around, and some of the other animals come to see what's going on.

I blink a few times and rush to take my bag from the oak tree. I fish out my phone that I had bought for myself on my 12th birthday and start a timer for how long the nightmares last before wearing off by itself. My back comes in contact with the tree, and I slowly slide down it with my phone in my lap.

Seconds pass, and minutes pass. It's 18:10, the bunny unfreezes and shivers in the spot. I take a break before starting on my second part of training. I look at the stopwatch and see 25 minutes on it, I sigh before standing up again. I feel a small migraine enter my head, I clutch it and hold on to the tree for support. I then take it slow before walking back to the bunny. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

The bunny looks at me and then runs away, I sigh in annoyance starting to see a small puff of mist emit from my mouth. I look up at the sky and back to the spot where the bunny once was. I take a few steps forward, and this time a squirrel comes up to me, it looks at me and I do the same.

I stare hard at it for more than a minute, I feel my eyes strain and I close them. Then open them to see the squirrel still staring at me while twitching its whiskers. I let out another puff of cold mist, looking at the squirrel.

Seeing no harm, more animals approach me. More specifically wood mice. I am interested in one wood mouse with black tips. I pick it up. It squirms in my grasp and looks at me. We have a short staring contest before it freezes. I start my third part of training, my phone shows 18:15. I put the wood mouse down and closed my eyes. A huge amount of smoke trails down my arms, around my body, acting as a shield.

I stay still, not moving, and frozen as well. I may not be moving in the real world but I sure am in the mind of the black-tipped wood mouse.

Black smoke is everywhere with hints of purple, even a fox made from black smoke appeared and stood right in front of it. It awaited my command after seeing me appear a few feet behind the wood mouse.

I open my mouth slightly, lips slowly parting.

"Twist arm." The fox twists the arm of the wood mouse, it squeals before running while limping. The smoke fox stops and stares at me, awaiting its next command. I look away with my eyes downcast and say,

"Kill it." I don't look up from the puff of smoke but hear the wood mouse squealing along with blood splattering. When it all stops, I look back up and see the fox gone and a dead wood mouse body lying there. I squint my eyes and touch the black and purple-ish smoke with my right hand and say the words, "Clear The Space, Let Me Out". I slowly disappear from the vision and fall to the ground, coughing blood. Black smoke then enters back into my body. I take a packet of tissue from my bag and wipe the blood.

The blood then stops pouring from my mouth. I grab my water bottle and flush the metallic taste down my throat. I clear my throat and look around me. The animals were huddled in the spot where the wood mouse once was. I inch closer to it and see the wood mouse dead, lying on its side with a limp arm. I sigh before checking the time. It's 18:45, I've been in the mind of that wood mouse for 30 minutes, impressive. I grab my bag, leaving the dead wood mouse behind, and go to the dojo.

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