𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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"Oww! That hurt!" I whisper yell to the person who had hit my head with a wooden cane. I rub the sore spot on my head as Ectoplasm sighs and speaks for me.

"As you all already know, I am the homeroom teacher for Class 1C and math, and over here." He points to his left. "Is one of my students that I've been told to keep an eye on. As you can see, she's wearing sunglasses. Indoors may I add. Would any of you like to guess why?"

"Well, it's got to be her quirk! Though! It could also be a drawback!" A man yelled across the room, he had shades on and banana yellow hair defying the laws of gravity.

"Correct, Present Mic. It's because of her quirk."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is her quirk? I don't think I've seen her file before." I shrink lower into my seat and shut my eyes tight, covering my ears as well as I shake my head from side to side.

The teachers take note of my behavior but ignore it for the time being.

"I'll read it out for you!" The rat/mouse claimed, raising a piece of paper in her hand.

"Y/N L/N's quirk is called Nightmare! It's a powerful yet dangerous quirk, if one stares in the eyes of the person/ maintains eye contact with the person with a Nightmare quirk, they freeze and see visions of their greatest fears in their mind." He pauses and continues to read the piece of paper.

"The user's eyes will change from e/c to Azure whenever the quirk is activated. But that's not the only way, the quirk also activates by itself in a state of panic or anger through one's voice. Whenever the quirk is activated, a puff of black smoke emits from the user's hands.

"For the visions to stop, the owner of the quirk must tap them once. The victims usually break out of the trance shivering." Added Recovery Girl, thankful for the information that her daughter had given her. She looks to Nezu to see if she can continue, receiving her answer she continues.

"The user of the quirk also has access to the vision and can make it scarier by appearing in the vision and taunting them or harming them. When the victim is frozen in the real world, cuts and injuries from the vision will also appear on their body. The user can also tame the nightmares very quickly making it less harmful or more dangerous." She pauses and inhales.

"The owner of the quirk also has access to the victim's memories to use fear against them. When the user is in the mind of the victim, black smoke covers them as a protective shield." She finishes with a sigh and massages her jaw.

"Any drawbacks?" Midnight asks, resting her chin on her palm. Nezu nods and continues.

"Miss L/N over here would receive experiences of her own nightmares and fears showing up in her dreams, fatigue, she will also start coughing of blood as well as receiving migraines. Though her eyes do sometimes flicker from e/c to Azure even when her quirk isn't activated hence the sunglasses."

Midnight nods her head, satisfied with the information as she writes down a few notes on a blank piece of paper.

What's she going to do with that information?

I groan as Present Mic jumps up from his seat and asks about my statistics/stats. Ectoplasm gives a vague answer to this, his voice reading the sheet of paper from Nezu.

"Her power right now is a 6 out of 5, her speed is a 4 out of 5, her intelligence is a 5 out of 5, her technique is a 5 out of 5 and lastly her cooperation. Her cooperation is a 2 out of 5."

Present Mic nods his head and smiles. It's so boring here...What to do?

I swing my legs back and forth, now sitting properly in the chair. I look at Recovery Girl and ask her a simple question.

"Why am I here?"

Seems like I said that question out loud because everyone in the room looked at me once I said that. I looked at Principal Nezu who had a large grin plastered to his face.

I regret asking that question...

I fidget with my fingers and sit still, suddenly interested and oddly fascinated by the ground below me.  Nice tiles...

"Well, I'm glad you asked! Miss L/N!"

Greatest Fear (Various BNHA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now