𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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"Oh no! Is she okay!?"

"Now worries ma'am. Everything's under control. She'll wake up soon."

"Thank you, sir."

"No problem, that is my job of taking care of her as her homeroom teacher."

Ectoplasm? WAIT A MINUTE-Mom and stepdad?!? What are they doing here!?

I sat up straight at the speed of light, my back making a loud yet satisfying crack. I tucked a few hairs of strands behind my ear as I removed my f/v/c hair tie, allowing my h/c hair to wave freely. All eyes turned to me.

I look around the room. Ectoplasm was standing in front of where I was, on the hospital bed, with my parents who surprisingly had shocked and concerned faces- which is slightly alarming. Recovery Girl was coming my way as the brick-like head Hero stood in the corner of the room with my bag, Midnight and Present Mic were chatting away until they heard my back crack.

"Here, dearie. Have some gummies. They'll help you regain your strength." I nodded my head as she stretched her hand out, I thanked her and slowly popped gummy by gummy in my mouth.

"Well, as you can see. Your daughter is perfectly fine and should be able to leave the infirmary in about 10 minutes." My parents both nod their heads thanking him on their way out. I sat there on the bed with my head down, I could hear the footsteps of my parents vanish.

"They're going to the principal's office, dearie. They'll wait for you there." I snapped my head towards her with my glistening e/c eyes, the other Pro Heroes in the room immediately got up and prepared to use their quirks.

I glare at her, then the tiles. Gripping the edges of the hospital bed whilst I shake my head continuously.

"Who. Called. Them. Over!?" My voice was raised and it shocked the teachers. The man that looked like a mummy activated his quirk which caused his hair to float and his eyes to go red. Midnight came from behind him and raised her hands as if I were a feral animal that she meant no harm to.

"Calm down, sweetie. We called all the people on your emergency contacts list and they were busy. So we called-" I bang my fists on the small table attached to the bed. I looked up at her with red puffy eyes, sniffling with my eyebrows scrunched up.

"So you called my parents!?" I inhale and tug at my h/c hair. "Who called them!?" I looked around the room, waiting for any response.

"I did, dearie." Recovery Girl stepped out from behind the mummy man. I looked at her with teary eyes. "WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CALL THEM!?" I huff and pant. "I could've just stayed here and waited with you, obaa-san!" I cry some more and groan as I purposely hit my head on the metal pole, drawing blood on my forehead.

Midnight and Present Mic gasp as they rush to grab bandages and rubbing alcohol. Recovery Girl has a shocked expression on her face as it starts turning into a hurt expression.

I could see that stupid rat on the mummy man's shoulder as the fresh blood started trickling down the corner of my eyes. Nezu had a confused face as did the mummy man. They sighed, and Principal Nezu left the room, pointing to my left.

I look beside me and see my sunglasses, I immediately put them on.

Who knows if my quirk will activate by itself!? This is bad!

I groan once more and lie on the hospital bed as pink fog spreads throughout the room. Midnight...damn you..! I cough and cough, trying not to inhale the sleeping sedate. But I miserably fail as I try to not inhale it. I breathe the pink fog in and my eyes slowly droop. Everything's becoming blurry.

"We'll tell her parents to take her home."

"She can't stay here overnight."

"What a foul mouth she has..."

"Maybe she's a little cranky from the vision she had, right...?"

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