Chapter 23

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For the past couple of weeks things have been running smoothly between Selena and I. It seems like we are back on track, but its odd at the same time. I feel like she has not fully forgiven me, despite how our relationship has progressed, lately she has always been on her phone.

Every time I ask her she would tell me she's just talking to Chace. Yea its just Chace, no big deal...

That dude is really getting on my nerves. Two nights ago when Selena and I were going to go on our date, he happens to have a fever and need Selena to take his son to his house. Like dude, call your ex-wife if you need a parent/guardian to take care of your child.

What I hate most but love most is that Selena is so gullible. It is one of the cutest quality that I adore her for, but with Chace, I really don't trust her to be around Chace. He is like the lion and she's the sheep.

But it's not like I am any better.

Like usual, when I see Olivia at work she continues to flirt with me and her sensual actions are driving me insane. I have not given the respond she wanted from me, and I know she is getting impatient.

I can't deny it, she is beautiful and surely knows how to drive a man insane, because I'm going insane from her. But I also know if I screw up this time, Selena is not going to stay.

"What are you thinking of?" My gaze in the empty sky directed to my wife who was napping on my lap 20 minutes ago.

"You," I pecked her cheek as I brushed her hair out of her face.

Selena giggles and readjusts herself on the picnic blanket, "You're too flirty."

"Just to you," I bend down to give her another kiss, this time she wraps her arms around my neck. I felt for her sides that were beginning to form a round shape.

Every time I touch her stomach I feel a sense of warmth, it was probably the baby because I've never felt this way before, not even to Selena.

She pulled away and just stared at my with a silly grin on her lips. My eyes were synced into her large brown orbs. They were truly beautiful, and it had me anticipating to see our baby; I couldn't hold in my laugh.

"What's so funny?" she giggles, brushing her tiny hand across cheek to my jaw.

"I can't wait for our baby, if its a girl I hope she has your eyes," I told her frankly.

"And if its a boy?" she asks, now curious.

"I hope he has your smile." That made her smile, and I knew it touched her.

"You are totally going to spoil our kid whether its a boy or a girl," she comments, then reaching into the picnic basket for the container of raspberries.

"Even if I don't spoil him or her, I'm sure grandmother will," I say truthfully, in which that is guaranteed. My mom spoiled me to the fullest until Frankie was born, but she still treated us all the same, because we were all spoiled in the same way.

Selena laughs, "Oh that's so true. I hope its a girl, Denise would be so happy. I mean stuck with you boys for 20 years, that's enough."

"Hey, what are you trying to say?" I turned my attention to her coy expression.

"If I have the chance I would want two girls and two boys, and the oldest to be the brother so he can protect the younger ones." Selena beams, sitting on my lap now.

I wrap my arms stomach, "Hmm... four kids? I think you'll become a baby machine by then.." I tease her.

"Oh," she gasps and gushes, "But the kids in my class are so cute, I wish I could adopt all of them."

"I'm ready for another one any time babes," I winked, making her laugh out loud.

"Wait until the first one and you tell me about the other three," she leans into the crook of my neck and snuggles in.

"It's not bad to start planning, I think we will be perfect parents."

She ducks her head back out, "I don't know Chace tells me dads spoils their child too much."

I felt like rolling eyes hearing that name being brought up, but I didn't.

"Isn't that my job?" I tease her.

"Spoil me!" she whines with a cute pout that I can't resist but dip in for a kiss. She giggles between the kiss.


Broken Knot.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora