Chapter 1

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Waking everyday has became the hardest thing. You know why? 

It's like going on the battlefield everyday. It's the biggest struggle for Selena Gomez-Jonas, it seems as if just breathing is such a difficult task.

She gets up and starts her way to the bathroom to wash up. She heard him humming in the kitchen. Her husband, Nick Jonas, is honestly the biggest charmer in high school, yet she still feels the butterflies when he talks to her.

They live in a small house in Georgia, the area was a bit more reserved and they're neighbourhood were said to be one of the best for young families.

At least that was the case when they first married...

After taking the hot shower, she went downstairs. He was now watching a football game by the couch with their dog, Elvis. Her husband screamed in excitement at a touchdown.

"Morning," her voice tired, great grief followed her sigh. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk as she stirred up a bowl of Captain Crunch.

"Morning," he responds, clearly too into his game to care.

Everyday is the same, every Sunday will just be like this one. It's like he doesn't even acknowledge their marriage. She felt sick to the pit from it.

She joins him on the couch just as his game went to commercial, "What are you doing today?"

"I don't know," he stretches, arching his back before getting up with his plate to the sink, "Maybe go out with the boys for the game tonight."

I thought so. She thinks to herself.

"You're free the rest of day right?" she nearly jumps, watching him clean the dishes by the sink, "How about we walk Elvis around the park?"

"I guess we can do that," he then pauses, "But wait, you stayed up all night for work, you sure you want to go out?"

Honestly, he didn't. He just wanted to stay at home and sleep, or even work for that promotion he yearned for. He rather just stay home than go out. And he loved his wife, but their relationship has been going downhill as conversations shortened, affections to one another shorten and the sweet romantic notes he leaves her are just gone.

Maybe marrying at 21 was too young. But they doubted the world and thought they could make it.

Selena nodded excitedly, anything to be with him. He's rarely home nowadays, and when he is, he's either in the office working, in the living room watching a game or sleeping. The conversations became dry.

"As long as you're not too tired," he shrugs, drying his hands as he made his way to her, he gives her a light peck. "I'm going to go for a run, I'll come back by 12, be ready by then."

" Okay," she chimed happily, it was probably the first smile in the week. Last weekend, they had a minor fight about household responsibilities. She was just glad their marriage was not so much on the rocks, not that they were stable, but at least they weren't fighting this week. 

Missing one fight in a week was music to her ears.

Nick jogged upstairs to change into a track suit, just as he was making his way back down. He sees her between the railing bars. 

Selena squeezed Elvis's face, full of joy in her eyes, "Did you hear? We're going out Elvy!" she giggles and kisses the Elvis's nose.

That created a grin across Nick's face, but soon his heart drops. Why is their marriage this way? That going out with her husband to walk their dog can cause so much excitement and joy, normally these things happen when the husband surprises the wife on a special occasion,

It breaks his heart how he has to work so hard to earn a smile from his wife. He missed seeing the old her, the one full of joy and laughing everyday. Was this really it? This was marriage, and after that day they exchanged ring, this is what he has to live with for the rest of his life?

He sighed, his shoulders dropped and he marched down to the living room. 

"Babe, I'm going out," he calls, just before slipping on his shoes and disappearing from the door.

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