Chapter 34

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It's been four days since the miscarriage and two weeks and a half since the accident. She is still unconscious in bed. We are all starting to lose faith. But Dr. Burke said she isn't under any sort of life threatening phase so all we have to do is be patient and wait.

Early this morning when mom came to see her, she swore she saw Selena's fingers twitch. But when the nurse came in to see, Selena was frozen like the past two weeks.

I wish it was true, but I think it was just because mom hadn't had proper sleep for the past couple of days. She stayed overnight to watch her which why she is probably seeing things.

Joe and Demi came into the room.

"Hey man," Joe pats on my shoulder, I turn to see Demi just as drained of energy as me. Probably from both work and worrying about Selena.

"Hey," I say, getting off the chair for Demi. She sat down and holds Selena's hand, she stares at her sister and few drops of tears escapes her sockets.

"Selly, wake up, we need you," Demi cries, clutching onto Selena's hands that were still bitterly cold.

I looked away from that, because I would start crying too.

"Hey go get something to eat, it's been a long a day," Joe says.

"No I'm hanging in."

"Just go Nick, you'll get sick," he said, "Who's going to take care of Selena if you get sick?"

I gave in and nodded, because Demi probably have some stuff she wanna say to Selena, "Alright, I'll be back in 10."

I walked out of the room giving them some room. By now I could possibly walk in this hospital with my eyes closed. I went down to the cafeteria to buy a sandwich. I just realized I haven't had lunch and it was already 5.

When I was waiting in line, I see a couple. There was a young man my age wheeling his wife to the cashier. She was pregnant about 9 months, and in a medical gown. I'm assuming she's preparing to go into labor soon.

I never went with Selena to the clinic for any of her checkups. Not even for the first ultrasound. I never had the chance to meet our baby before it died.

It was obviously too late to regret anything because it was also too late to go back.

I paid the cashier and took my sandwich back up with me. When I arrived to her floor I see some nurses run down the hallway. It made me panic because it looks to me they are running down to Selena's room. I walked faster each step closer and closer to her room.

The door was opened, Dr. Burke was in there with a few interns and four nurses. Demi and Joe wait aside they pulled the curtains and three interns were excused.

Demi was again crying into Joe's chest. He embraced her and patting her.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to go to Selena's bed. The nurses stopped me before I get any closer.

"Sir, you can't step any closer. She just woke up and Dr. Burke is giving a quick check on her, please stay back," the nurse warned me, she hurried back in behind the curtains after giving me the warning.

I stood back, impatiently waiting for them to open the curtains and let me have a look at her. I stood with Joe and Demi while the doctor and nurses checked on Selena.

The curtains spin opens, both Demi and I ran forward to the doctor. Selena was still lying down but her eyes were starting to open and she was rubbing her temples. I just wanted to step forward to embrace her.

"How is she? Is she alright?" I panicked.

"Well Selena she—"

"Does she remember us?" Demi jumped in as she watch Selena start to sit up on her seat and the nurses helping her adjust to a sitting position.

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