Chapter 22

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Early next morning, Selena and I headed to my parents house to help repaint the guest room. I guess it was difficult for her to sleep well last night, because once we got to parents' she went to my old room which is now Frankie's and tugged herself into bed. I went downstairs to prepare the paint and some newspaper to cover the floor and furniture as I waited for Joe to arrive.

My mom was cooking up some breakfast for Selena when she wakes up. I joined my dad by the breakfast table, he puts down his newspaper and gives me a odd look.

"Son, isn't it too early to be in scarves and turtle neck?" He chuckles, flipping to the next page of his newspaper.

And he was right, it's only 20 degrees outside, I was already sweating. But that hickey doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime soon.

"My allergies are up, I think it's better to stay covered so Selena won't get sick from my coughs," I lied, quickly picking up the glass cup of orange juice to swallow that ball of saliva.

The backdoor opened and we see Joe enter the house in a pair of worn out jeans and a plaid shirt over a really worn out wife beater. He walked over to give our mother a kiss before coming to me.

"Ready to paint?" He smirks, seeing my attire, "I hope you brought something to change into."

"I did, but I'm warning you my allergies are driving me insane, so don't get too close," I warned him as I got up to get the paint brushes and pallets of paint.

"Allergies don't spread brother," he chuckles helping me with the other two containers of paint, "plus isn't too hot to be turtle necks?"

"Hah, that's what I said," our dad laughs, dropping off his coffee mug into the kitchen sink.

I rolled my eyes and descended to the stairs, "Cmon Joe."

The house was pretty old, it would make squeaky sounds from the old wood brushing against each other. I told Joe to tip toe since Selena was sleeping, we tried to tiptoe our way as quiet as possible but the buckets and paint brushes were the ones that were making clanking sounds.

Thank god the guest room wasn't far from the staircase. I dropped off the paint utensils with Joe and sneaked out of the room before started to check on Selena. I opened the door quietly. I could say I had the second biggest room in the house. It was always spacious and clean, and the indigo paint on the wall was surprisingly still nicely sealed on.

Then there was Selena who slept soundlessly on the queen size bed, curled up with the blankets. I smiled, gently brushing my thumb across her cheek, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her plump lips. I'm surprised she hasn't woke up, I assume she's really tired.

I got back up and closed the door silently on my way out.

Painting is now in progress.

Joe picked up a huge roller and started on one wall while I took the other and started on it. And since the wallpaper was torn off by Kevin the other day, it was much easier to just do the painting now.

"What's up with the covering for you thing on text?" He randomly asks, making me take a double take at the exit which is clearly wide open and audible for anyone in the hall.

I went to close it and moving close to him to give a summary.

"Holy shit bro! How could you?" He practically flipped, dropping his paint brush.

"I know... I know,,," I sighed, feeling the pit of guilt hitting me hard, "It was not expected, she just came on me and-"

"Are you sure she's isn't just stalking you? I mean crazy enough she became your secretary but the fact that she even lives in your neighbourhood amend you've never seen her?" He rolls his eyes, and resumes to his painting, "this is just ridiculous, man if Demi knew, she'd slice your balls off before Selena."

I gulped, already scared of the idea of Demi breaking my balls, because she would, "Well your girlfriend sorta had a glimpse at that text already."

"What?!" Joe's eyes pop wide open, as if it's remotely possible for those eyes to get any larger, "she's reading through my texts already?"

"I think she just glimpsed at it not like checking on you," I assured him and continue to paint my wall.

"Well. She better not be,". He grouches a bit and resumes to paint his wall as well, "I'd cut her balls off."

I laugh knowing he wouldn't because he's too sweet of a guy for that, "You got the balls?"

"Please bitch," he mimics a girly girl.


We were almost done painting two walls, we planned to come back next weekend to finish the other two. Three hours of painting no break was sure hell. I wonder if Selena was still sleeping. After Joe and I packed up everything into a corner, I went to check on Selena.

I opened the door quietly, and surprisingly she was still sleeping in the same position as before. I stripped off the turtle neck I had just slipped on not too long ago and gently grot into bed. I wrapped my arm around her waist, it felt good to feel the baby bump in front.

I smiled feeling here stomach, it was like I was communicating with our baby.

She stirred a little in her sleep, then finally waking up she turns to me. I dipped and kissed her lips.

She giggles pulling away, "Don't steal kisses, it's not mannerful."

"Did you sleep well?" I chuckle, brushing her hair out of her face.

She nodded, smiling softly, "

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