Chapter 38

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Selena's POV

Once Nick left the house, I went back inside to get change and take Elvis for a walk. Maybe we'll steal a spot at Starbucks and read some of my novels, maybe even catch up on some marking for the class. My homeroom class had a lot of marking but my art classes that I teach didn't have so much. I packed the works into a tote bag and changed into a pair of yoga leggings from Addidas and a floral blouse. It was a bit sunny today, I wore a cardigan over since I didn't like the idea of sunscreen and and a bad tan. I was actually a bit scared to touch my head from the surgery, instead of tying it up, I slipped on Nick's LA Dodger's cap and left the house with Elvis and my tote bag of work.

"Let's go boy," I giggle, he was probably very comfortable and used to me already, but to me he is like a new baby pup we just brought home. We walked around the neighborhood, which I was still pretty familiar of, we strolled through the park until we found the starbucks.

There was a sign that read no pets allowed. I tied Elvis's leash onto the pole, it was really nice out so I really didn't mind the sunshine. I went inside to order a green tea frappuccino and a bowl of water for Elvis. I sat down next to the pole where Elvis was. I put on my sunglasses and started to grade the papers from my students, well, just until I got bored.

After an hour I got bored, haha. I picked up my phone and called Demi and Miley to see if they would be interested in that spa Nick suggested. Demi said she'll be on her way with Miley to pick me up. I agreed, since I don't have the car I had to wait at Starbucks to get picked up.

I continued to grade the papers until they were here. My papers were covered my a shadow, I looked up to see a beautiful young lady stand in front of me. She had a heart shaped face, she was a bit tanned and her eyes were hazel but stunning. Her hair was a soft honey comb brown like Miley's and it was short. They were up to her breast, she looked really summer like in her white dress and leather wedges.

"Hi Selena, how are you?" she asks.

I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled at her, "Sorry, I got into an accident and I've bumped my head hard enough to lose my memories," I giggled between, "I'm not sure if we've met."

Her face lightens, as if catching on to what I'm saying, she pulls her hand out, "I'm Olivia, I work for your husband. I was his assistant but I transferred elsewhere recently."

"Oh," I answered, "Did we meet at a company's party?"

"No, we actually met at a park," she gives a cheeky smile, "I was on a date and I came over to greet Nick and you, but I also live in the same neighborhood so we bump into each other sometimes."


"You really don't remember anything?" she asks, I don't feel all that familiar with her. But when I look at her face I feel something, its like a feeling thats poking me to be attentive of her. With her question I feel as if she thinks I'm lying about my memory loss.

"Yea," I sighed, looking away at my papers, "It's kinda sad because I only remember things about our lives after our wedding day."

"Us humans focus on the future not the past, I'm sure the good memories will build on for the future."

"Yea, I hope so too," I replied, my attention turns to the parking lot as I see my sister drive in with our best friend, I turn back to Olivia and started to say goodbye, "Look it was really great seeing you, I'm sorry that I don't remember you but honestly, if I met you recently I won't know it. Let alone my memories with Nick."

"Same, like it was nice seeing you too," she corrects herself and giggles, "We should grab a coffee some time."

"Yea we should," I picked up my tote and began to unleash Elvis. I opened my arm to give her a hug, "Nice meeting you again Olivia."

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