Chapter 11

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Once they arrived at the hospital, Nick rushed her into the hospital. Immediately some nurses ran to them seeing the blood that was still pouring out of her, she was going to on the risk of losing her life if they didn't stop the bleeding.

"HELP ME!" Nick screamed at the nurses pratically, "MY WIFE IS BLEEDING!"

Some doctors came out from the emergency, room and pulled out a stretcher, immediately they took her into the emergency room. Some nurses came out to calm him down.

"Okay do you have ID? And is your wife pregnant?" the nurse interviewed him.

"P-pregnant?" he stutters, not even considering that idea, "I-I honestly don't know, she was just wincing in pain when the blood started coming out."

"Okay," the nurses nodded, and hurried back into the wart to help the doctors. Minutes later they rolled her out, Selena wasn't awake, her eyes were closed. They were pulling the stretcher to another floor.

He was too focused on Selena, he didn't realize his parents who ran in. "Where's Selena?" they asked.

He ignores them and runs to the nurse, pulling on her arm, "Where is she going?"

"She needs surgery, they need to save her and the baby," he releases her when he heard the word echo, baby baby baby baby...

"She.... Selena was pregnant?" he stood there in shock, "I was going to be a father?"

"Way to go," his mother grits her teeth, "Smarten up and go wait for your wife, I'll handle Demi and her mom."

The surgery took a while, two hours to be exact it just made everyone outside anticipated for her to come out. Nick prayed in his hands for his wife to be alright. He did not want anything to come as far as this, he never knew she was pregnant.

Was that what she had wanted to tell him that night?

To distract himself he watched nurses rushed back and forth and patients taking their stroll around the hospital. He then felt Frankie rub on his shoulder.

"Calm down bro, Selena is a strong woman, she'll make it through," he soothes his brother.

Nick just nods, but he no longer needs a distraction. Demi walks in angrily.

"WHAT THE FUCK NICK? WHY IS SELENA IN THE HOSPITAL?" She rages at him, her mom and Joe had to hold her back.

He was speechless, and just let her yell at him. He felt he deserved every horrible thing she was saying to him.

"She better come out alive and the baby too," she threats, she glares at him sitting from he other side. Demi just soothes her step mom, which was Selena's mom, as she muffled some tears.

The light turns off and everyone went up to the doors where the doctor comes out.

"How is my wife?" Nick asked.

"It was a difficult surgery, but your wife and the baby life is not in danger, but she will be drowsy for the next hours. She'll wake up in a bit, but we recommend her to stay in the hospital for a few more days," the doctor nods.

"Thank you so much doctor," Paul nods, everyone just hugged one another, thanking Christ for protecting Selena.

The door opens and he sees Selena getting pulled out in the bed still, she looked pale. He was about to follow when Demi stopped him.

"Don't bother, I don't want my sister to have a heart attack when she sees you," she glares at him and walks off with Joe and Nick's parents.

"Come by later," his mother in law tells him.

He nods, "Thanks."

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