Chapter 27

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Selena's P.O.V.

Nick gets up to pick up a call, I'm assuming its either work or possibly a call from Ian and the boys. I was about to pick up my book to read but when he got up and was walking out, I saw the scratches on his back.

I stared at it as he left the room, I was pretty sure those weren't his hand marks. Okay Selena, calm down. He didn't cheat. He didn't cheat... I continue to repeat in my head.

But I can't convince myself to believe him. Two weeks ago he came home with that hickey on his neck and I didn't have to question it to know it was from another woman.

But is it right if I questioned him? Would our marriage be recovered if I do ask him? Was everyone right when they said we were too young to be married?

I'm starting to doubt myself. Its like everything that everyone said was coming accordingly, we were too young for marriage, we don't know how to take care of our relationship. I can't even get a hold of him until he found out I was pregnant.

I curled up, wrapping my arms around my stomach and began questioning myself. Then suddenly I felt his biceps circulate around my stomach.

Quickly, I wiped away the stray of tears on my cheek as he turned me over to face him.

"Hey..." Nick brushes my cheek, and by the look of his "oh-shit" expression I could tell he knew I was crying, "Babe are you alright."

"Yea of course," I sniffled a bit, "Was that work?"

He hesitated for a second, "Yvonne from the office wanted to make sure that everything from the meeting today can be brought up to the CEO."

I nodded not really caring, I looked up into his eyes and he simply smiles leaning down to kiss me. But I felt uncomfortable to kiss him, I dodged it by shifting back.

He opened his eyes, a bit taken back.

"Uh...-I-I'm feeling a bit tired, let's get to bed," I stumbled a bit, turning away from him to turn off the lamp on the nightstand.

He didn't wrap his arms around my immediately, I could tell he was about to say something but took it back down. Instead he wrapped his arm around me and whispered to my ears, "Sweet dreams babe, I love you."

Then pecking my cheek.

His words stung me inside out. I felt like those words were just a lie, the tears started to stream down uncontrollably.

I let the tears to sink into the pilliow, I didn't want to sniffle and have him question me. I don't want to make this a big thing.

Instead I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


Nick left in a hurry that morning, I didn't make him promise to pick me up tomorrow. Was he going to see that woman? Or was he serious this time? He told me he had to over time tonight and I didn't press on it further.

I don't know when it was, but we were just getting back on track, am I not a good enough wife? Do I not understand how to be a wife that knows how to please her husband?

I got four messages from Nick today with the typical "I miss you" and "I love you" messages. I didn't reply to him until end of the day.

Conveniently after school I see Chace come forward to pick up his son. I wave at him as he crossed the lot. He offered to take me out for coffee, considering that Nick wasn't able to drive me anyways, I might as well go with the coffee idea.

After driving in the area for a good 20 minute we arrived at a cute cafe on Augusteen Lane. The area was designed to be an imitation of the European streets. There were a lot of Victorian houses.

Chace held onto Evan as we walked into the coffee shop. It seems quite popular as this place was packed with people, even with the patio seating.

We waited a bit before getting a seat by the patio.

"Daddy can I get a strawberry-banana smoothie?" Evan asks his dad, he sounded pretty excited about it.

Chace was about to say no, despite how much he spoils his son.

"Hey kiddo how about if we make a deal," I said, his big blue eyes turn to my attention, "you give me half and you get half of my ice cream waffle?"

A wide smile spreads along his lips and he turns to Chace who gives in with a nod, "Okay fine but you better eat dinner tonight."

"I pinky swear!" He chimes, and smiles at me with a thank you.

"You know it is the hardest to say no to your kid right?" Chase dishes at me, "when your baby comes out you wouldn't believe how hard it will be for you to say no to those eyes."

I placed my hand above my stomach, feeling foe a heartbeat, "I can't wait to see my baby."

"I'm sure Nick is just as excited as you."

I don't really know about that anymore. Although I may be over thinking it. It partially made cringe to think about Nick being there.

Our drinks came, then Chace continued to chat having a kid and what to expect at different stages and stuff. Some of his stories with Evan were hilarious, but he sounded like a perfect husband and father. He told me how Blake was very hormonal & had alot of moodswings in her first trimester but he was there for it all.

It made me envious almost. But Chace is older than me by 3 years or so. It made sense for him to know how to take care of their relationship... ish. They're divorced now, which I never understood why.

"So what went wrong with you and Blake?" I asked out of curiosity, then adding, "But of course if it's anything too personal don't sweat it."

He shook his head and put down his coffee, "Our relationship hit our down turn last year after our love became a one sided love."

I stared at him, already drawn into the topic.

"I loved her more. A lot of problems came up after she went back to work. She was more in love with her job than us." He answered hurt by it all.

"But I'm sure if you guys chose to talk it out, a divorce would not be necessary. I think she still loves you guys but work had really stressed her out."

Chase shrugged his shoulders, still very unsure of it all.

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